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I woke up at Rachel's house still wearing my clothes from yesterday. I never thought sleeping in black skinny jeans would be so hard.

I picked my head up off of her pillow and grabbed my phone off of her nightstand. It was no surprise that I had 11 missed calls from my mom. I really didn't like fighting with her (even though it happens all the time) but I wasn't ready to talk to her yet.

My phone started buzzing a chemical romance song and, while I was contemplating if I should pick it up or not Rachel woke up. Her eyes were still closed but she stated to lightly sing the song, word for word.

I ended up declining the call and Rachel gave me a pouty face since that ended her song. It was my mom.

Me and rach started to get ready for our day and while I was brushing my teeth my phone went off again. When I got back into Rachel's room I saw that she was in the phone and instantly quieted down.

"Hey, dezzy, it's your mom." Rach explained. I was obviously confused to why my mom would have Rachel's number. I then realized that Rachel was on my phone! She must've answered it when I was brushing my teeth.

I started to whisper yell at her "hang up! Hang up!"
"I don't want to talk to her"
"Why not!"
"I will, just not right now. I'm not ready!"
"Your such a dweeb" she said finishing our whisper shout conversation. She quickly made up a stupid excuse that there was a tornado behind her house and hung up. She isn't the best lier, especially when she is put on the spot.

We both flopped down on her squishy temperpedic mattress and let a sigh slip from our lips. We stayed there for a while just talking mindlessly about all time low.

*dezaraies p.o.v.*
It was getting later and every time my mom called I got a little guiltier.

Me and rach were bored and decided to play a movie. We waltzed over to Rachel's mountain of dvd's and randomly selected one off of the top.

"This movie is shit" I whined 30 minutes after it started.

"SHHHHH" Rachel whined. She was really into this movie for some reason. It's just to sappy for my taste.

a few dreaded minutes later there was a knock on the door and I practically jumped off of the couch to get the door.

The only thing I didn't think of is who could be standing behind it.


sorry it took me so long to update but I'm really insecure about my writing and I had to do a book report and all that crap so Ya there is my stupid excuse. Update soon... Hopefully I LOVE YOU ALL STAY AWESOME

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