To The Bar

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Blaze pov
Did he just call silver an air head I thought as I follow him and rouge to the door. "Thanks for letting us stay over rouge" I thank her. "No problem hon any time" she said smiling. "Well we better get going thanks again rouge" sonic said opening the door and leaving. I just waved one last time and followed him out the door as we walk I saw something red in the blushes so I got close too see what it was too my surprise it was a chaos emerald. "Hey sonic look what I found" I said waving the emerald around getting his attention. "Woo where you find that" he pointed at the ruby chaos emerald in my hand. "It was in the blushes" I respond titling my head. "Ok just don't tell anyone ok" he said taking it out of my hand and putting it alway in his quilts. "Umm alright then" that was all that came out of my mouth as we keep walking to the bar. When we arrived at the bar me and sonic look at each other and enter the bar. I went up to the counter and sat down stool as sonic sat in the stool next to me. I order a drink from the bar tender. I saw the guy next to me look like he goes here daily so I decide to ask questions. "Hey Umm mind if I ask you something" I ask the guy next to me. "Ask alway kitty" he smirk. I could hear a low growl from sonic behind me "Well I was wondering if you seen my friend he's a silver hedgehog with 3 spikes going up his head he also has yellow eyes" I explained. "Nope sorry sweetie I haven't seen him" he said looking up and down at me. I just sighted "his is name silver" the bar tender ask. "Yes" I stated. "He was here last night me and my friend had to kick him and anther black and red hedgehog out for fighting" he said a little pissed. "So Shadow was here too am not surprised" sonic added. I just sighted "Do you know where they would have gone too". "Nope and oh a pink hedgehog went with them too" the bar tender added. "So Amy was here too then" I said going into deep thought. "Well let's get out of here Blaze and go find them" said sonic graving me by my hand and heading out.

💜💜💜💜Wow sorry for the long wait but it's here so don't worry the wait is over its here and the next update will be idk when I finish writing but until next time my cutes ^_−☆ 💜💜💜💜

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