'Hi~ Who are You?' - Chapter 2

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[Hello, So if you're Reading this, it's because am updating this book slowly even thought people don't even read it :P This Kirby x Reader book that am doing is serious but at the same time it isn't why? Because this x Reader book is for fun and because I have seen that not many people make books like this plus because this is my first x Reader book]

Status: Unedited

[Y/n] Pov

I sighed, it actually feels nice being here in a pastel-like aesthetic forest, although... I miss [F/n]. 'I wonder, how are they? Are they ok?'

Will I Just hope that there ok, Anyways time to go~ I shall go and explore this forest :D

*After exploring the whole damn forest*

'Dang, everything just looks like the game', I thought while resting on one of trees although, where is Whispy? I thought he was supposed to be somewhere around here. I sighed, 'Will maybe next time'


Kirby POV

Marx said, that the 'Outsider' was going to appear somewhere around the forest or something like that. I sighed, 'I hope that it's not a monster...', 'I hope that there someone nice', This questions kept on and on in my head, I sighed letting the air out slowly that I didn't know I was holding, 'Welp I just hope that there ok and that there not some one dangers'

I kept on walking, humming slightly while looking forward

*Time skip brought to you by 'Turrón!!'*

I sighed, looking at the view of the forest, 'I wonder how whispy woods is? I hope his alright... Welp, anyway time to meet this stranger'

I skipped walked, jumping slightly, I looked left and right making sure that I didn't mess anything, I kept on looking, left, right, left, right, then again but I still found no-one

I frowned, 'Thats weird' I was later snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a noise 'It doesn't sound far... Might as will check it out'

I ran, going to the source of the sound...

[Y/n] POV

I grunted, "Ouch, dang it!" 'I should have noticed that dang twig'

[Fjakrh, I was laughing will making this]

'Surely that alerted some people.... Or even monsters ack', I sighed getting up slowly so that i couldn't feel the pain but i did anyway. I hissed but ignored it, 'The last thing that i needed...', I huffed in annoment, i sitted down not like i had anyother choice.

I huffed slightly to calm myself, until i heard what seems to be Rustling,  I got up quickly, hurting myself slightly from the pain, 'Who is it?' I looked at the moving dark figure closely, 'Oh holy s-, Am i in danger?' I panicked

Immediately Frozed, not wanting to move from pure shock. I looked back at where I saw the figure before, it wasn't there anymore now, 'Ah hell no, I Ain't dealing with this...'


I turned around slowly, Looking at the familiar figure 'Wait...'

"Are you, Kirby?"

"Huh? How you know my name? -Pojo?"

"Someone tolded me" I lied

[Sorry that I haven't updated the book, got myself distracted and even distracted myself from writing :P Other times I just lost my motivation but I have it back now sorry that I toke this long I feel guilty

†Sanix out† (◕‿◕✿)

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