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Heyo, well, I think this fan fic is going to be in P.O.V.'s for now. I hope that's cool, but if you read it, and want me to continue, vote, comment, and all that fun stuff. Thanks!

Your point of veiw

I woke up with the sun in my face, creeping through the window. Damn, I need drapes. My mother called out to me. "Princess, can you come down here? You don't have to go to school until Monday, but get up early! Your brother just left! Get up! There's someone you get to meet!'' God, she was annoying. I got up and replied to her. Then I got dressed in some skinny jeans and a BVB tee. Along with my favorite hoodie.

When I went to the kitchen, I noticed my mother was standing by an older woman, she had red hair, a weird eye that looked like it was wounded, but she also had a old style maid outfit on.

"Sweetie, this is Moira. She's the maid whose been working in the house.'' She turned to Moira. "And this is my only daughter, and the oldest.'' My mom smiled and left to her new job. Moira and I shook hands, and then I realized that we'd be the only ones in the house till my dad got home with Jake.

Moira broke the silence. "Do you want help unpacking in your room?'' She was nice. Well, from what I can tell of the 3 minutes that I've known her. But I couldn't risk her seeing my blades.

"No, but would you mind unpacking my brother'sa room? He'll never finish it.....'' my voice trailed off as she nodded. I went upstairs and got under my coverd. I fell asleep, listening to Green Day.

I woke up around 2, and I saw a slightly familiar face. Tate. I smiled and yawned. "Heyy.''

"Hey. Why aren't you in school??''

"My brother started today, and my parents are allowing me to start Monday. What about you, Tate?''

He paused, as if making an excuse in his head. "Well, for one I skip alot. And I was pulled out of regular school due to an accident. So I'm homeschooled you could say? Anyways......''

Tate smiled cutely. God, he was attractive! And nice. Nicer than most of the people in Indiana. I only had a few friends back there. There was Gabby, Hannah, Hayley, Ash, and Taylor. But my fucking mom got a new job. Anyways, Tate scratched his head and looked down.

"Anyways, I skip alot too. So, how'd you get in here?'' I wondered aloud.

He looked a bit nervous, but he chuckled. "Ahh,  Moira let me in. She's nice. I know her, she used to work for my mom. Speaking of mom, she's a bitch. A cock sucker. Literally. That's why dad left forever ago.'' He paused for a couple minutes. "I was six.''

We sat in silence. It sunk in before I opened my mouth. "I'm so sorry, Tate...... I-ah, why'd you tell me though? We met only yesterday..'' I wondered as it was silent again.

Tate thought about his words carefully. "To be honest, don't think this is weird. But, I feel like I've known you forever. You remind me of someone..  and I have a good feeling  about you.'' He smirked and I broke a smile out. "So, you're a little mysterious.. Any back story??''

I sighed. "Back at ya. Anyways, put bluntly, my parents thought it'd be best to move because of, my mom's new job, and my depression. They ignore my problems, and focus on my perfect little brother.  That's all. Oh, and, your my only friend now that we moved.''

He sighed and patted my knee. I could tell he's been through something terrible. We're alike. We both yawned, and I blushed. I guess you could say I had a crush on him? I didn't know how far this was going to go, but we were just friends right now. I yawned again and laid down. I was still tired. Tate looked at me. He smiled, and laid beside me, but there was alot of room between us. We talked about music and other things. He drifted off into sleep, and soon, I did too.

Broken From the Inside [reader x Tate Langdon fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now