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Your point of view.

I woke up startled. Tate was next to me in my bed. Then I remembered that we just kinda drifted. I grabbed my phone, wiggling out of Tate's loose grip. 

Time: 8:54

Great, so I probably slept through dinner. I'm not complaining for a number of reasons though. A, Tate is in my bed, they don't even know he's here. B, I'm not hungry, when am I anymore? Not after she died. [A/N: Es a thing from Indiana that happened to the reader that'll explain later in the story] It just doesn't seem appealing to eat. God, no wonder they think I'm depressed. Am I? No. That's crazy. They're wrong. 

I gently shook Tate awake. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey. What's goin' on" He slurred a little from just being woken up. It was really cute too. Jezz. I'm falling for a guy I just met. That's not like me.

"Well, I just woke up and it's almost nine. Want something to eat? Or do you wanna go home? Or what?"

He thought for not more than five seconds. "Well, can we get something to eat, and then we can hang in here for a bit?"

I smiled. He wanted to hang out with me. "Sure, but I'll sneek you some dinner, stay up here. I'd get a lecture pounded into me if they knew you were here this late." Just then my parents called out my name. It got louder as they approched my door. I paniced. Tate. 

"Quick get in the closet!" I whisper-shouted. He did so, and I shut the door. My dad knocked. "Dinner's ready! It's a bit late. Sorry, I just got home. Are you asleep?" He opened my door.

"No, I was listening to music. What was that?" I lied easily. He couldn't tell I just woke up.

"Look, I just got home, and dinner's ready, sorry it's late. Are you eating tonight?"

"Yea. Actually, I'm really hungry." I regreted that lie. "Can I have a friend over for dinner?" I figured if I didn't miss it, then he could just come down. 

My dad's face lit up. I knew what was coming up. "You made a friend?! Already?? Princess! I'm so happy for you!" He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. "What's her name?" I froze. Oh yea, protective dad.

Annoyed, I answered. "I did. But it's a guy. He's a neighbor. His name is Tate. Langdon." I finished speaking. And I noticed how perfect his name was. Tate Langdon. Tate Langdon. The mysterious boy I had a crush on. Like, how could I not? We both like the same bands, he's nice, but I can tell he likes to keep to himself. And honestly, he's very attractive. Like, jesus, how do you get that good looking, and then not be in a relationship. Okay, I was overthinking this. 

By the time, I snapped out of my daze, my dad was gone. I shut my door, then opened the sliding doors to my closet. There he was sitting. In the corner, his knees to his chest. "Sooo, you can actually come to dinner, but we have to make it look like you just got here. So, we'll have you ring the doorbell, and I'll answer. Sound good?" He nodded so we went downstairs. I made sure my family didn't see him at all. We got to the front door, and he went out without making a noise. He's a quiet kid. 

I went upstairs again, and waited for the doorbell to ring. Finally it did. I jumped up on que and yelled. "I got it, guys! It's just Tate." I ran down the stairs. Taking them two at a time. I calmed my breathing before I opened thoe door. "Hey Ta-" 

I was cut off by his chapped, pale lips against mine. 

heyo guys! Es Sarah, soo how was that? I'll probably get updates out faster now, since I was writing everything on my phone before. Please vote and comment so I know this isn't complete trash and I know to keep going!! <3 love ya!!

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