Chapter 4

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Jay Pov

After i left lil mama i had to hurry up and go downstairs for class cause one of my homeboys told me she would be upstairs this periods so i had to take any chance i could to see her you feel me?

Kayla Pov

Finally the end of the day school stressful already . I wonder what jay doing this week I wanna get to know him for him not rumors. Kaylaaaa i here Shay yell . What girl name in public people.could be looking fo me. Girl aint nobody looking fo yo lil ahh but what you doing this weekend. Nothing why wassup i say putting my books in my locker. Theres this party that Jay having and i wanna go weeee should go she say shaking me. Unleash me with them claws on yo hands i say cause her nails was stabing me alil . You going no ifs,ands,or buts. I just look at her cause she know my.mama dont go no damn were. Girl i gotchu i told yea moms we.going to the movies .Wow so ou plained this alll out huh? I say looking at her smiling cause my girl retarded. Yes i do shay say feeling proud of herslef . We gone go to my crib to.change and head to the mall i tell shay. Thats coo with me shawty shay say texting away on ha phone.

When i get in the house i see i got uh messafe from jay , a smile creeped on my face real quick

Future Wife-Lil mama wyd Saturday?

Jay-Nothing besides hitting up yo party probably

Future Wife-Who told you about ut girl?

Jay-I got peoples too and correction my name usnt girl

Future Wife-Haha i see you, and you right you my baby

Jay-You thought✋ , ill hit you uph later punk ✌

Future Wife-Nahh you is and ight lil mama

Why yoy smiling all hard fa Shay say looking all up in my kitchen. Umm little rugrat if you dont get out my damn kitchen. She walks out with my oreos and milk she lucky i love ha. Ole fat ass i say walking behind her to my room.

Ill be right back Shay dont be having an fashion sho in my clothes either..

You do it when i take showers! She yells while i turn on the shower.

Here put this on she hands me some ripped heans a half white shirt and my valentine red jordans

I noticed she had the same thing on we cute we cute.


At mall

We walk up in there and uts packed as usual . Ohhhhh oh jmK i wanna cookie lets get uh cookie. Really shay i say looking at her cause she remind me of uh two year old. Come on.shay nearly dragged me too the stand .

Can i get three chocolate chip and ohh one of them right there and uhh . You want some she say Oh yeah two sugar cookies. Thatll be all for yall . Yes we say together you total is 10.54

Here an boy voice say . Ne and Shay nearly broje our neck turning around.

Jay Pov

Me and Ray decided to head out to the mall for some more j's for tommorow. As we walked in i seen Kayla and ha ass was looking right in ha jeans cant wait to tap that. And i seen her friend picking out cookies and shit.I decided ima just pat for they stuff to be nice and show her ima good dude you feel me?

Uhhhh you didnt have to pay i got my own money. Kayla say looking at me stink this girl can be so bi-polor i swea. Nahh i gotchu i say smiling cause she had a cute face expression. So what you here fa .Shop,look around why ? She say walking towards forever 21. Can we join you i say looking at her . Sure even though i think we gone be the only ones together considering yo home boii just high jacked my friend she says looking ray and her friend walk into foot locker. Oh my bad i say laughing alil its alright you didnt do it he did . I feel you lil mama . We should match i say looking at her look at clothes. We should she say lefting her eye brow .Yeah she thought on it and we end up getting the same otfits i payed for it and the shoes even though i had to argue with her just to pay for everything. Normally females would love fo me to buy stuff she difficult but different i like that...

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