Chapter 3

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End of first block*

I see you Kayla Shay says while we walk to 2nd block

What you talking about I say confused

Girl I seen you with Jay you ain't low key . Bruh it ain't even like that we just met I say turning the corner while she walks into her class. 


Dangg watch were you going . Kayla said to me . I don't think she realize its me yet . I'm sorry ma I say smiling cause she shorter then me & its cute. Don't be sorry be careful she say still without looking at me . Excuse me Lil mama ?


Excuse me lil mama .he  say . jesus people need to learn my name. I look up finally to see jay looking at me . All uh sudden I start blushing wtf? Ohh wassup I say realizing I was being rude to him . Nothing he say laughing at my face exspression . Want me to walk you to class ma ? Uh yeah-yeah sure its right there . I say walking towards it. Why didn't text me back ma? Jay says looking at me. I haven't checked my phone yet I say smiling at him. You better text me back he says stopping at my class door . Ight nigga I say laughing and walking in my class .No hug he say with his lip pocked out .boy this boy so cute Jesus . Come here then I say walking up to with my arms out . He squeezed me so hard and start laughing . See you later ma he says while winking .I just sat down and listen to this nigga talk.gotta get this education though .

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