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"My little snake," he cooed, caressing her cheek. Achlys giggled and swatted his finger away.

"See A-co!" Achlys squirmed in her father's hold. Voldemort chuckled softly. Bellatrix walked into the room, her face scrunched up in thought.

"Bellatrix, are the Malfoys coming soon?" Voldemort asked. Bellatrix nodded.

"Yes, my lord. They said they would be here by now, but they got delayed by their son, Dr-"

"A-co!" Achlys interrupted her mother with a shriek of laughter. Bellatrix and Voldemort both smiled down at the toddler. Their relationship was only one of master and servant, but they were united in their love and devotion for the young child.

The fireplace roared to life, the green tongues of fire dancing merrily. From the flames, two spinning figures appeared, one clutching a bundle to her chest.

"A-co?" Achlys's wriggling increased, causing Voldemort to bend down and set her on the ground. She teetered, then fell on her bottom with a laugh. Stumbling upright, she toddled toward the Malfoys.

"Ack!" The bundle flailed, thumping against his mother's chest. With a soft smile, Narcissa Malfoy set the bundle on the ground, removing the blanket from around Draco's body. The two one-year-olds ran toward each other, screaming each other's names.



Achlys and Draco collided, falling backward onto the floor. Their outburst of giggles echoed around the large room. Suddenly, their laughter quieted, as they gazed in awe at the roaring green flames, from which Crabbe and Goyle stepped out.

Draco stared up at the two men, his mouth forming an 'O' as he contemplated their large, intimidating frames. Achlys's face was similar, but her mouth wasn't open. Instead, her thunderstruck expression met the two men's dull ones with full force.

Voldemort smiled to himself as he watched Crabbe and Goyle, two intimidating men, squirm under the piercing, inquisitive gaze of his daughter. The amusing sight was interrupted by the fire roaring again, as Nott, Avery, Rowle, Mulciber, Rookwood, Rosier, Gibbon, Pettigrew, Dolohov, and Yaxley stepped into the room.

This entrance was evidently much louder and chaotic, because Rodolphus Lestrange stumbled in from the other end of the room, leaning on his brother Rabastan and rubbing his eyes. Precious little could wake Rodolphus from his slumber. "Mm, morning, love," he mumbled to Bellatrix, who gave him a short peck on the cheek.

"Aguamenti," she muttered, splashing him in the face with a stream of water. He spluttered and used his wand to dry himself off, but he was much more awake now.

"Rodolphus, glad you could join us on time," Voldemort smirked. Rodolphus's face paled slightly, making his faint flush stand out. He relaxed when he realized Voldemort wasn't going to hex him.

The green flames danced once more, as Selwyn, Snape, Jugson, Travers, Macnair, Barty Crouch Jr, Karkaroff, and the Carrows appeared. Voldemort's cold voice rang through the room once Barty had regained his balance. "Now that we are all here, sit."

Silently, the Death Eaters took their seats at the long table in the room. Bellatrix and Narcissa scooped up Achlys and Draco respectively, also taking their seats. Achlys giggled softly to herself as her father started speaking again. "I am sure that you are all aware of the prophecy Severus has relayed to me," he nodded in Snape's direction.

"This threat of Harry Potter must be extinguished. In two days I will journey to the Potters' house in Godric's Hollow. None shall come with me. No, not even you, Bellatrix." Voldemort cast a dismissive glance at Bellatrix, whose eager expression quickly turned into a frown of disappointment.

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