Chapter 19

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Achlys was back at Hogwarts. The holidays had ended a couple of weeks ago, and now she was thrust into the routine of schoolwork and Quidditch again.

One day when she was roaming the halls with Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, she had a very interesting encounter with a Gryffindor.

"I've been practicing the Leg-Locker Curse, you know, and I'd like to try it on someone," Draco said as they passed the library. "Say, there's Longbottom!" He pointed down the hall at a Gryffindor with a round, babyish face.

Achlys studied Longbottom with a curious expression. His name seemed familiar, although she couldn't tell why.

Draco pulled out his wand. As their group got nearer to Longbottom, he looked up, and his fearful gaze caught Achlys's stare. His eyes widened with recognition, and then flashed with hatred.

"YOU!" he roared all of a sudden, lunging at Achlys and grabbing her by the front of her robes.


Achlys was petrified. She didn't know Longbottom, and she had no idea what he was talking about. He was shaking her and shouting in her face, and it took all her willpower to not crumple onto the floor and sob.

Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were shocked at Longbottom's outrageous behavior. Quickly, though, they recovered from their surprise. Draco lifted his arm, and his wand flicked through the air as he shot a spell at Longbottom. "Locomotor Mortis!"

Blaise ran to Achlys, holding her comfortingly in his arms as she trembled in terror.

"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall appeared. Through her glasses, she took in the scene of Draco with his wand out, Longbottom on the floor, and Blaise with his arms around Achlys, who looked terrified.

"Put your wand down, Mr. Malfoy. Magic is not to be used in the corridors." Draco lowered his arm, slowly, with a murderous look on his face. "Now, can someone tell me what happened?"

"I think it is obvious what happened, Minerva," a cold drawl said from the other end of the corridor. Professor Snape was striding toward them, wand in hand. "Longbottom, unprovoked, attacked Miss Black. It appears that Mr. Malfoy was only defending her."

Professor McGonagall looked at the kids again. "Be that as it may," she said, "Magic is not allowed in the corridors."

"Yes, and neither is fighting."

Achlys cleared her throat hesitantly. "Um -- professor?"

Both Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall turned to her. "Yes, Miss Black? Would you like to tell us what happened?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"No -- I have a question," Achlys said, timidly. "Why would Longbottom say that he was going to kill me?"

"He said that?" Professor McGonagall asked, her voice sharp. Achlys nodded. Professor McGonagall exchanged a look with Professor Snape.

"Five points from Mr. Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said, "and twenty from Mr. Longbottom, plus a detention. Miss Black, come with us, please."

Achlys followed the two professors quietly as her friends reluctantly walked away and Longbottom sullenly hopped off to the Gryffindor common room, his legs stuck together by the Leg-Locker Curse. Professor McGonagall hadn't bothered to help him.

Professor Snape stopped suddenly. "Miss Black," he said softly, "do you know who your mother is?"

"No, professor," she stopped to respond, equally as soft. Professor McGonagall hadn't noticed them stop and was still striding down the corridor.

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