Without A Heart

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The second I saw Goro turn around to go back to Yongen-Jaya station, I yelled his name. No matter how much I yelled or cried, Goro didn't look at me. I felt something pull me back from running to him. I began fighting for freedom but my body was shaking, hurting, and weak. I could see was Akechi walking away from me. All I heard was silence. Why was he leaving me!? I don't understand anything. My mind wasn't calculating anything. It felt like everything I knew was disappearing from my eyes.

".......id?!" I heard something familiar shout at me. My vision was regaining my surroundings. The familiar sound shouted again, "Kid!! Is that you!?" I shook my head and I saw a man's face. His grey eyes look at me as if I was ghost. Glasses slid down his nose a little. I couldn't believe who I was seeing in front of me, Sojiro Sakura. In disbelief, my eyes darted around. The rustic nature of the walls, coffee beans on the shelves. I was in Leblanc. "S-Sojiro....is...it you...?" My voice was messed up. My head began screaming, everything was going black, and I was violently shaking. I don't remember anything else.

☆Outside of Leblanc☆

Ghirahim was watching everything going down with his companion. He pulled out a mirror to check his appearance. "Great... my hair is out of place. Honestly, why are we here?? Besides, I haven't used the power yet... I don't get you." Ghirahim says to his companion who was smiling devilishly. "Well, well, wellll. What a peculiar situation! I can literally TASTE the despair, its quite exquisite! But i must ask, what can bring about such a reaction....and how do i get in on it!" Ghirahim groaned in disgust at his companion's words.

"Yeah, okay again with this whole war with the sins isn't my problem. Just answer my question you annoying rat." Ghirahim snapped his fingers, causing his mirror to disappear. "My oh my, such impatience, such restlessness!" The companion walks up and places a hand on his shoulder and leans in with a smirk and a wink. "If you must know, I'm here to present you a fine individual!" Ghirahim hissed and looked at other one. "Oh please, you don't know anything about me!! If you think you can poke me around, think again Alastor! You may serve a false king, but you're nothing compared to my late master!"

Alastor takes a step back, his eyes narrowing in a knowing look. "In-deed i don't, I wouldn't dare compare my power to your obviously dead and gone master! Hahahaha...." Alastor leans in close, eyes going wild, a abnornal smile stretching across his face, static growing louder and louder in his voice, darkness creaping in closer, fingers playing as though he were pulling puppet strings, "If I wanted to harm or kill anyone...." The static grew nearly unbearable. Ghirahim flinches a bit.

"....I....already....would have...."
Suddenly everything goes back to normal and he grabs his cane, stomps it on the ground and gestures in a grandiose fashion with a nice, creepy smile. "Now! Onwards shall we?" Ghirahim nodded slowly. Ghirahim knew Alastor had something of his. If Alastor wanted to, he'd use it without a thorahim took a glance at the café and muttered something under his breath. "I hope you can stop the upcoming apocalypse."

A/N: Hey guys so sorry for the short chapter. This chapter was supposed to introduce the villain of the Lust arch. So yeah. Demon Lord Ghirahim and the mysterious Alastor.

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