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The five times Giyuu goes home


The first time Giyuu goes home is after the final selection. When he is deemed fit enough to travel, his injuries mostly healed. Giyuu makes the entire trip with his head down, carrying a small bag that contains what was returned of Sabito on his back. When he arrives at Sagiri mountain Urokodaki is waiting. The old man has Giyuu wrapped in a hug before the boy can utter a single word.

"You did it." Urokodaki's shoulders shake as he struggles to keep the tremble out of his voice. Giyuu doesn't cry, he doesn't deserve to. When Urokodaki finally pulls away to really look at Giyuu he can't stop a small gasp from leaving his lips.

His student's eyes are dead. Hollow and emptier than the day he first took Giyuu under his care. Urokodaki's heart fractures, it's his fault, he had rushed them, they were not ready for the selection yet. 

Still the former hashira does not apologize, he simply leads Giyuu into the house in silence.

For the next few days neither of them talk much, simply passing time until Giyuu's nichirin sword arrives. Sakonji suspects that being in this house hurts Giyuu, so he does not intend to make the boy stay longer than he has to.

Three days later when Giyuu's sword arrives, Urokodaki is almost relieved. The past few days had been like living with a ghost, he hopes that with a new purpose Giyuu will eventually regain that light in his eyes.

Giyuu sets out immediately after the swordsmith, giving his teacher a deep bow,

"Thank you, I'm sorry, goodbye."

He does not look back at the second family he is leaving.


The second time Giyuu goes home is right after his promotion to the rank of hashira. He was one of four, and one of the youngest. Urokodaki doesn't comment on Giyuu's haori, he understands why Giyuu carries them so close to him. He would do the same if he wasn't so used to losing people.

The boy has changed so much, in the blink of an eye the 13 year old had grown into a young man. Urokodaki is proud, he thinks Giyuu deserves it, but the new water pillar doesn't share his feelings.

They share a dinner together, both of them are silent by nature and the things they need to talk about hang heavy over the table.

 It is Urokodaki who finally speaks,

"There was always going to be only one water pillar, and I think it was always going to be you."

Giyuu's eyes widen in surprise "But-"

"Yes," Urokodaki interrupts "Sabito was stronger, but he was also stubborn and hot-headed. In battle he would rather charge forward recklessly than retreat."

Giyuu knows he is right, but he doesn't like dwelling on the negative aspects of Sabito so he says nothing. They finish their dinner in silence.

Tomioka does not stay the night, he is busy now.


The third time Giyuu returns is during the time of Tanjiro's final selection. He comes to see the slumbering Nezuko,

"She hasn't eaten anyone?"

Urokodaki shakes his head "She's been asleep for a very long time, I believe that's how she recovers her energy."

In the dim candlelight Giyuu's cold eyes seem to soften slightly, "I'm glad." The hashira turns to face his teacher, "What about the boy, how is he?"

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