Forever and Always

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In which Giyuu gets a chance to bring Sabito back if he himself turns into a demon and unlocks a blood demon art.


"Allow me to save you some time."

Twelve heads snapped to the side to regard the newcomer. It was a man dressed in a plain blue yukata, and a lighter blue haori with black waves running around the edges. He held a red paper umbrella which cast his face in shadow effectively obstructing his features. 

Not that it mattered, Shinazugawa had already moved towards him, sword drawn. The man side-stepped his attack, quickly switching his umbrella to the other hand and bringing his elbow down on Iguro who had been right behind Sanemi. 

The rest of the hashira had collected around Ubuyashiki and his daughters, their own swords drawn. Even Tanjiro had a hand on his blade, though he hadn't drawn yet.

Ubuyashiki raised his hand before Sanemi could attack again, "Enough." 


"Stand down." Ubuyashiki speaks louder. After a moment of fierce glaring Sanemi finally sheathes his sword, but he doesn't remove his hand from its handle as though daring the other man to put a single toe out of line.

"What brings you here today, Tomioka?" Ubuyashiki's voice is calm as ever as he turns his blind gaze to Giyuu.

"I think you already know." If this had been before Giyuu would've never spoken to the master in such a rude manner, and his uncomfortableness showed in the way his grip around the umbrella tightened.  

"I'm afraid, even I cannot predict Kibutsuji's actions, nor yours for that matter." Ubuyashiki answers his tone peacfully neutral, "What could possibly bring a demon that Kibutsuji went through such lengths to obtain, straight into the hands of demon slayers, in broad daylight?"

Giyuu shrugged, not missing hoe Ubuyashiki hadn't called them his enemies. "Maybe I just want to die." Some part of him wished that Sanemi would make good on that and run Giyuu through, but the wind pillar was uncharacteristically quiet.

Ubuyashiki does not even blink at Giyuu's response, "Tomioka, were you forced into this position?"

Giyuu does not reply so Ubuyashiki continues, "You always turn your back and go at things alone, now you've gone so far will you not at least tell us why?"

Finally Giyuu tilted the umbrella slightly back so his face was clearly visible. A dark blue wave pattern had formed under his left eye and his pupils had narrowed to the slits of a demon, but other than that he looked the same. It was almost uncanny how little he changed.

"You know that all demons were human once. Those humans with the most regret, the most sorrow, and the most anger, are the stronger demons. Those humans are weak, and Lord Muzan makes them strong." Giyuu could feel his nails biting into his flesh as he spoke, his heart screaming at him to shut up, screaming that he didn't believe in the words leaving his lips. 

"All of us have experienced some kind of great loss, but we would all rather die than become a demon." Himejima spoke for the first time staring Giyuu down with blank eyes.

"Do you have no pride as a slayer?!" Iguro hissed.

"You're right Himejima-san, I thought so too, before." Giyuu swallowed past the lump in his throat, forcing his voice out "However, Lord Muzan made an offer I could not refuse."

"What could the progenitor of demons possibly offer a demon slayer?" Shinobu spoke for the first time, her voice vibrating with suppressed rage.

Giyuu was the first to look away "I cannot tell you that."

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