Chapter 1 - Daddy

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When most people are asked what superpower they would have, some say invisibility, others say x-ray vision – the perverts - and many say the ability to fly. Flying, soaring, floating, all of them I’d imagine would be amazing, if I could fly I would. But falling, falling makes my stomach twist, how someone can find sky diving or bungee jumping a pleasurable experience is beyond me. I’ve fell before, and all that went through my mind was “I’m going to die!” But the feeling of falling I’m currently feeling is nice, like I’m being lowered by a cloud.

I couldn’t see anything, I am aware that I’m moving, but this weightlessness was confusing. My eyes won’t physically open but I can tell I’m somewhere bright, even my eyelids couldn’t protect me from the blinding light that warmed my skin like a blanket. A soft breeze tickled my skin and I wanted to sigh at the coolness of it but no sound left me, I try to speak, but my jaw was not responding either. I keep falling, my body being jostled now and then, but never hard enough that it actually moved me; I just rocked with the momentum.

I have no idea where I am, but Sam’s words still echo in my head. Tell your dad I said hi!

What have they done? I remember Oscar chanting, where have they sent me? Where is Luke?

I hope Luke is ok, those… creatures scared the life out of me and a small, malicious part of me hopes he made them suffer. I know he has a thing for making heads roll… why isn’t this bothering me? A tingle dances across the sensitive mark on my back as if sensing that I’m not near him anymore.

My eye lids flicker when I feel myself come to a stop, yet they still to refuse to open. I feel the falling sensation again and my back hits something hard, not the cloud I was hoping for. 

Something runs through my hair, momentarily startling me until my eyes suddenly burst open on their own accord. Weird things just continue to happen. The first thing I see is my reflection in the mirror on the ceiling. It makes the room appear bigger than it actually is, which happens to be just a square box that I could the touch the sides of without having to stretch. The walls and floor were a golden cream colour that give the space a feeling of warmth. The next thing I checked was my body which was elegantly covered in a white silk dress, when did I put this on? My head throbs with the threat of a headache, which reminds me of my stomach. I tentatively touch the area in question and instantly regret it when the pain comes back with a vengeance, attacking my weak body and making me scream out in agony.

I squirm on the floor, desperate to escape the pain that attacks me but two, warm hands stop my body from moving and the pain gradually fades. My vision is blurry from my tears but I can make out the silhouette of a person. I blink a couple of times, clearing my vision and I almost let the tears fall. The man smiling down at me is supposed to be dead… I should not be able to feel his comforting touch or those warm, brown eyes. “Hey birdie,” his smile wobbles.

I reach my arms up, wanting to be held in his familiar embrace that I have missed so dearly. He lifts me without hesitation and wraps me up in his arms. He still smells like hot chocolate and a fond memory flickers in my mind of when I was six.

“Daddy, push me higher!” I squeal. He chuckles and pushes my back harder, causing the swing to take me higher. “I’m flying!” I extend my arms out like wings. Daddy pushes me again and I go even higher. “Higher!” I shout.

“That’s high enough, you don’t want to fall,” daddy says, softening his pushes. I want to go higher like the birds and the angels. My arms still stick out like wings, but one particular push causes me to slide forward in the seat, for one moment I’m up in the air, but daddy’s panicked shout scares me and I hit the ground on my side. My arm hurts and my cheek stings, my hip throbs when I try to sit up so I lay back down.

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