I love The stable boy

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I creep over to the stables, my feet light on the dewy grass.

My jet black horse Hades neighs when he sees me, and jumps up excited.

"Woah, boy! Calm down, what are you lo... woah."

The stable boy walks out from behind Hades, "hey there, your highness."
"Good afternoon, may I ask What you were doing with my horse?"
"Brushing his coat? It's my job to look after these horses you know."
"Don't get cocky!"
"Woah, I wasn't getting cocky, I swear!"
"Um... so... you probably don't care, but... my names Toby."
"Hello Toby, I'm Damien."
"Cool. I knew that, but... cool."
He smiles slightly.

I really want to join the dots of his freckled face and see if I can find star constellations. He has such a sunny, calming, endearing face...

"You seemed to have gotten distracted, your highness, are... you okay?"
"Um... yes..."
"Your cheeks have gone slightly grey."
"Oh- I- wait- n- shush!"
"Is that an order, your highness?" He chuckles.

I frown.

"yes!!" I exclaim, feeling my cheeks heat up even more.

"Okay." He laughs lightly and pinches my cheek, "you're adorable, you're highness, Well and truly adorable."

I stamp my foot, completely bewildered. No one had ever said anything like this to me, but my mother.

To be fair, this was the only other contact I'd been in, other than my family and castle staff.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, your highness, but I was only being truthful."


I then look at his eyes. A pinkish colour, I can't quite describe. Though it seems to shimmer a golden orange colour when he turns a certain way.

He has such a beautiful face. A thin nose, slightly wider at the bottom, and a little bit upturned. His smile is perfect, yet witty and charming and mischievous. They're so pink and look so soft.

I almost want to kiss him...


He tilts his head slightly, "you have very soft looking lips."

He brings himself very close to me. He's shorter than me. His hair looks so soft and fluffy, and it's a sort of... sunset ginger colour, and curly.
He smells of strawberries and wild berries.

"You smell like freshly baked cherry pie."
"And you smell like strawberries and wild berries."

He looks straight into my eyes, "can... can I kiss you?"
"I... yes."

He places one of his delicate hands upon my cheek.
I tilt his chin up a bit, and press my lips against his.
He seems to melt into the kiss and hooks his arms around my neck, running his fingers through my hair.

When he pulls away he looks straight at me, the corners of his mouth curled slightly upwards.

His cheeks start to go pink and he presses his face against my chest, laughing light heartedly.

He flaps his auburn wings slightly, before wrapping them carefully around my lower half, pulling me close.
"Let's just stay like this forever..."
I kiss his forehead.
He laughs, "do you even remember my name?"
"Yes, Toby, I do."
He blushes, "sorry, that- that was a stupid question...."
"DAMIEN!?" I hear atlas shout, "WHERE ARE YOU!? ARE YOU OKAY!?"

Toby suddenly steps back, folding his wings behind him, "I- I should get back to work, it- it was nice m-meeting you, your highness."
He rushes away before I can say anything else.

I'm unsure of how to react.
Atlas finds me, "OH HEY, HOW ARE- ahem! How are you?"

I look at the floor, "I'm... fine..."
"Okay. What are you doing in the stables?"
"I was just... wandering?"
"Ooh! Have you met the stable boy yet?  He's really friendly!"
"You know the stable boy?"
"Well, we talk, I'd say we're friends."

He grabs my hand and drags me about, shouting, "TOBY!? TOBY, I HAVE SOMEONE FOR YOU TO MEET!!"

Toby clambers out from behind a few wooden crates, "Atlas, I was trying to sleep, what-"

His eyes make direct contact with mine.

"Toby, this is Damien. They're my youngest sibling. They're non-binary by the way, so-"
"We've... already met."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yes. They're quite a good kisser."
"Oh, okay. Cool."

He stands there, clueless for a few moments, and then looks up again, "you two kissed!? Oh my god, so cute. I'll start planning the wedding!!"

Toby blushes, "I... right..."

"So!" Atlas exclaims, clapping his hands together, "how long have you two known each other?"
"We met earlier today."
"Oh. Well, if you guys want to have a strong relationship, you're going to have to get to know each other. I'll leave you two alone."

He Poofs away and Toby and I stand there a little awkwardly, laughing nervously...

It's been a month. We've talked almost every day. Today was my sixteenth birthday, and he gave me an encased juniper pendant. Small, simple, yet so beautiful.

I'm laying in bed, when something swooshes up past the balcony, and then Toby perches on the balcony rail.

"Hello, your highness."

I sit up and chuckle, "be careful, or you might fall off!"
"Help me down Then!"

I walk over and take his hands. He hops off, landing in front of me, and hooks his arms around my neck. He waves his hand, casting the spell to hide his wings and horns and then kisses me lightly on the lips, "I love you."

I feel my cheeks heat up, as he's never said this before, "I love you too."

He smiles.

"Well, do you want to know what my father told me, now that I'm sixteen?"
"I can't have a girlfriend."
"Aw, shucks! How are you going to fill the long, empty nights now?" He asks, smirking.
"Well, I thought you might be able to enlighten me with an answer?"

He chuckles, "shut that pretty mouth of yours and kiss me already."

I press my lips against his as he pushes me closer to the bed.

I fall back into the bed and he chuckles, leaning over me.

He runs his fingers along my side and kisses my neck...

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