Why what and how,

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"Well, we all make mistakes, dear, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us."
L.M. Montgomery

Chapter 4: why what and how

April 17 2014

How? How did this happen? Why, why why, why did this happen, what did happen? He Doesn't know, and he Dose not think he'll ever really know as he started down at the empty flower pots That held the blue spider lily that seem to bloom during the day and disappear during the night Turing into a big weed.

he made a mistakes, no he made a problem a very bad one, mistakes could be fixed that what his teacher said why why why was he thinking about the stuff his thirds grade teacher said. his stomached felt like he was stuck in a earthquake the words of the press conformance ponding in his skull.

The skin bench his hands is raw and classier from were he had shoved his nails into it to many times. he states at the computer the graphs of research seem to be yelling at him and he wants to hide away someone far away from here. the door to one of the offices open and he moves his eyes away from the different colored charts. a man stood there his black but brown hair cut short he wears a pair of dark grey glasses.

Hasibira" his boss calls his eyes are dark and cold like endless tunnels he could get stuck in for eternity. and Aoba seems to shrink into himself as those eyes gaze at him trying to eat his soul.

"Yes sir? he answer hastily his voice coming out meek and unsteady as his coworkers sent him strange looks or the few that were in the office.

"I would like to speak with you in my office" his voice is sharp and cold almost like a cool icy stream running from the attic "privately " he gone having turned in his heels and walked away not even bothering to give Aoba a second glance as he stands up shakily shutting off his computer as he walks towards the office door trying to gage his boss reaction on the other. maybe he was going to fired maybe they were going to short cruel words at him maybe they were going to send him on some impossible act like trying to capture the avatar or something. maybe they would sent him to find new flower that seemed more like a vacation then punishment.

He gathered some of his courage witch was close to none and put his hand on the cold metal door. and pulled it open it creaked open and he stepped inside his hands shaking like they were attached to a doll toy with little red yarn

"you wanted to see me sir" he said wanting to curl up in a ball more then ever, him imagination running wild as his boss looked up from his paperwork those cold eyes never leaving Aoba face.

"yes i did" he cleared his Thota " Hasibira your an incredibly smart young man so i cant figure out of the life of me how you managed to mess up on the blue spider lily" Aoba winched the words were sharps and cold

"sorry sir" was the only thing he could find himself to say

" and due to this mess on your part you are in suspension for a week" his boss says and time seems to stop around him as Aoba vision darkens around the edges. he cant he cant be suspended he didn't mean to he really dint mean to do it it was an accident an accident that now costing you little voice says and he shuts it out not needing the extra distraction today Aoba bit his lip starating at his hands trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill from his eyes

"it could be worse" the little voice in his head says and he hold onto those words as he try's to get his voice box to work as he clears it not meeting his boss eyes

"is that all sir" he rasps out his voice sounding strange to him.

his boss studies him with cold dark eyes and Aoba pulls back from shivering under those eye "yes that would be all, your dismissed"

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