• poker face •

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"Fucking idiot." Maddie mumbled as she walked up the cobblestone walkway to the dark blue house in front of her.

As was anticipated, Maddie was still fuming at what Gabriel had done. He had set her up and she knew it. He knew their history together. The history that broke her 5 years ago.

Maddie thought that she had gotten over it, but apparently, she hadn't. The pang of guilt and pain hit her like a ton of bricks at the mention of his name.

The long plane ride from New York hadn't exactly been all that glamorous. Maddie hadn't gotten a lick of sleep. Her senses were going off the rails.

The young spy had no idea what was waiting for her inside the mansion she was walking towards. All she had been told was the address and the background information on everyone in the house. As she passed by the neatly cropped shrubs, she held a firm grip on her lavender backpack straps.

What? Just because she's a ruthless bitch doesn't mean she can't have style.

In fact many would say she was overly-stylish for the commons. Her black leather pants and combat boots stood out among the general California attire. A black tank top was tucked into her pants, covered with a black leather jacket. Maddie's dark chocolate curls had been lifted into a ponytail, and the only non black piece she wore was the thin gold necklace that hung around her neck, and of course, the backpack. Even her sunglasses were pitch black.

Although she had a career as a spy, she couldn't help but notice her change in heart-rate as she knocked rhythmically on the wooden door.

The amount of assignments she had completed couldn't have ever prepared her for this moment. She didn't know how she was going to react when she saw him again, but she did know that she had to keep her composure.

She was a completely different person from when they last saw each other. Or at least she thought she was.

Maddie heard multiple locks being unlocked before the door swung open, revealing a familiar face.

"Tyler Seavey." She breathed out, but the brown haired man looked at her like a stranger.

"Do I know you?" He questioned, his eyes darting around, making sure there was no one else.

"I don't know, do you?" Maddie trailed off as she took off her sunglasses and gave a small smile. Tyler's eyes went wide with shock as he opened the door further.

"Maddie? Maddie Wright?!" He almost laughed as her name came out of his mouth. Maddie wasn't expecting him to be so open to her arrival. She also wasn't expecting it when Tyler pulled her into a bone breaking hug.

"Wow. You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you." Tyler said as he pulled away, still leaving Maddie confused. "You were what? 18, when you and Dan-" He stopped himself from bringing up the past. Maddie did her best to keep a straight face. If she had learned anything from being a spy for 5 years it was to never show your emotions, regardless if you have them or not. Keep a poker face.

"Yeah, it has been a while. Can I come in?" She asked after a moment.

"Um... actually we are in a weird situation right now. We're expecting someone to come help us out soon, and no one else is allowed inside for now. It's kinda... complicated?" Tyler tried to explain to the girl he thought he knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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