Chapter 3

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I jokingly glare angrily at my mother from across her room while she packs her suit case.

“You knew?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“Lilly,” She says giggling. “it wont be that bad.”

“Mom, I know him.” I begin. “I would always hear about him in school. He partied every weekend, he disrespects girls, he gets into fights, he drinks, smokes… Everything! Why are you and dad letting someone like this stay in our house? Let alone be in the same house with your child?”

My mom sweetly smiles. “Lilly, do you remember Jacksons accident?” I don’t respond. “Jackson was in a bad place, and with help he got better. Think of it that way with Justin.”

“Mom, that’s what rehab is for.” I bluntly tell her.

My mom gives up her sweet smile, and forcibly plops her clothes into the case. “Lillian Pierce. You need to be more understanding about where Justin came from and what he’s been through. I expect for you to be nothing but nice to this boy while he’s here, or so help me I will ground you for two months. Now, stop talking that way about him.”

I press my lips together and widen my eyes. “Yes, ma’am.” Awkward silence fills the room and so I finally speak, “Why’d he go to jail anyway?”

“That’s not for me to tell you, Lilly. You better be nice when he comes over to dinner tonight.”

My mom wont be here for when Justin comes, she’s going on a business trip for two months. She really wanted to meet Justin, but her job is super important.

As my mom awaits by her car door, I lug her bags into the back of the car.

“Bye, Lilly. Be good.” She sweetly commands.

“Bye, mom.” I tell her, as she brushes my bright bangs away from my forehead and kisses me right between the eyebrows.

As she drives away in her shiny charcoal Lexus, I look slowly at the ground. “What the hell am I going to wear?” I mutter to myself. For some reason, I’m really nervous about tonight. The delinquent is officially moving in and having linner with my dad and I.

Yes, linner. It’s a mix between lunch and dinner. Not quite at dinner time, but not quite at lunch time.

And to top the cherry on a sundae, my dad is making me drive Justin to the mall to take him shopping. He told me Justin apparently ‘changed’ over the course of two years and cant wear his old clothes.

“As much as it makes since that Justin needs new clothes, I don’t see why I have to take him shopping.” I whine to my dad as I set the dinner table. “You should go ahead and give me your wallet in advance so Justin doesn't steal it.”

My dad rolls his eyes and continues stirs a wooden spoon in a pot of delicious smelling food. “I want you there because you need to get to know him. He’s not how you describe and you can’t go two years being a total stranger to someone who lives in your house.”

“I can if I try.” I smirk, setting the last silver fork on the table.

My dad chuckles. I definitely got my sarcasm and mild carelessness from him.

I prance up to my room and brush my lightly toned hair. I scoop it up and flick it behind my shoulders, letting it fall right above my hips. I don’t bother strangling my hair with heat, I let the smooth waves in my hair have their way tonight. I also don’t worry about applying too much makeup, just a nice coat of mascara. I mean, it’s just a linner for three and then a quick trip to the mall. I don’t need to get all dazzled up.

I flutter my now butterfly-like eyelashes and make quirky faces at my mirror. C’mon, everyone does things like this in front of the mirror at least once, right?

My eyelashes, from what people have told me, are naturally long and curled. Most of the time I prefer not to wear makeup for many reasons, but a little coat of mascara doesn't hurt.

I start humming to the music coming from my old-style radio. 97.6 fm is definitely the best radio station to listen to. They don’t single out any genre of music, they play just good music. Country, Rap, Hip-Hop, Pop, Metal, you name it. If this station plays it, I love it.

I dance over to the bathroom just across the hall from my room, still hearing the music from my room. I slide off my prescribed nerd glasses that I only wear at home, and set them aside. My eyes widen when I see my temporarily fuzzy appearance in the mirror.

My eyesight wasn't awful, I just couldn't see far away. Plus, I just chose to wear my glasses or contacts because I hate squinting.

I would only wear my actual glasses at home, however. The frame is considered non-mainstream. To put it simply, they we’re ‘nerd’ glasses, and I hate them.

I swiftly grab my contacts case, gently picking one and placing it on my finger.

Suddenly, my stupid dancing self drops it right now the drain.

“Frick!” I yell, dramatically bending over the sink. I quickly put back on my glasses. “Daaaaad!” I call, storming down the stairs.

I freeze in my tracks when I realize who’s standing before me. My dad, starring at me disapprovingly, and Justin Bieber, smirking my way.

Justin has definitely changed since freshman year. His long, floppy hair has transformed into a good-looking quiff, his jaw and cheekbones molded into a defined, mature look. His body and height clearly changed. 

Justin leans his now robust and tan arm against the archway to the dining room. His matching, anatomy follows, resting against the arch.

The only physical thing that’s stayed about Justin is the mysterious look in his eyes, his full, rosy lips and his beaming, wonderful smile.

He’s hot.

“Lilly,” my dad starts. “You interrupted my conversation with Justin.”

I mentally slap myself when I realize I’ve been eyeing Justin a little bit too long for comfort. “Yeah.” I say, instantly turing my wide eyes slightly to my dad.

Through the corner of my eye, I see Justin’s smirk turning into a confident, mischievous smile. Prick.

This is going to a long dinner.


Hey guys! This chapter was kind of long, I know (for me at least).

I’m open for suggestions/ideas to add to the story(-: just comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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