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I looked out the window, rain making scribble-like patterns streams against the glass. The air smells like old books, and the only sound that has my attention is the ticking of a clock.

"Lillian, can you tell us what the answer is?" My teacher realized I was dazing off into space again, that's the only reason she picked on me.

"Excuse me?" I ask shyly, fiddling with my plain-colored pencil.

"Question number 46." Her worn out voice confirms. "Can you tell us what the answer is?"

I look down at my math journal, only to find I wasn't following along with the test corrections.

My whole body flushes with the heat that my body fears most. Public humiliation.

"Um," I start, looking back down at my journal as if I knew the answer.

Thankfully, I'm interrupted by the hitching sound of the classroom door opening. Hopefully, it's someone important like the principal.

It wasn't the principal, but it was definitely someone important. Two men came in. They're dressed in a deep navy blue, badges on the left side of their vest, copper buttons lining up and down their coats, and a belt full of weaponry dangled on their waist.

"Justin Bieber," one speaks.

All heads turn to the floppy haired boy sitting at the corner of the class room.
The boy jerks up, zig zagging through the spread out wooden desks, confusing the officers on which exact way he's running.

He brushed past the angered men with ease, and sprints out door and into the schools hallway.

Everyone comes over to where I'm sitting to look out the window, eyes search for the bad boy running from the law.

A familiar man standing outside a patrol car catches the boy and slams his chest into a puddle, forcibly to get in control of his hands. I'm not close enough to be a witness, but I know the cuffs being placed around him a latched tightly.

I can read the officers lips, "Justin Bieber, anything you say can and will be held against you in the court of law."

A blonde girl leaning against the window ceil nudges me with her elbow.
"Was that your dad?" She asks. "The one that took down Justin?"

I nod my head slowly, trying not to draw attention to myself.

Poison (Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now