Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The very next morning I had the royal footman prepare one of the carriages with the fastest horses in the kingdom. I dressed myself in dark purple gown with a black lacy bust and black lace cuffs. I wrapped my baby in a warm blanket for it was quiet chilly in the mornings.
Elowen met me in the library wearing a simple wool dress with two pockets on the front.
I smiled at her, she would be safe as long as she was with me that's for sure. I grasped her hand in mine while holding baby Jessamine in the other. We left the library and walked down the large elegant hallways towards the royal stables.
Dolia the royal event planner walked briskly up to me, "You're Majesty, you've prepared one of the carriages?!" She exclaimed walking alone side me.
I sighed I wasn't in a mood to argue with Dolia, "Yes, I'm going on a trip for a few days." 
"A trip! How absurd! The King would never allow it! He gave strict orders you are to remain here where you and Princess Jessamine are safe."
I turned to her staring her right in the eyes, "The King isn't here, there forth I am in charge and I give the orders.
Caught by surprise Dolia opened her mouth to respond but quickly close it.
"I'm going to be gone for a few days, Dolia we're traveling to Rollick to see a family member of mine and I'm brining Elowen with me for company. While I'm gone see to it that the Kingdom runs smoothly, you're really great with the servants and people here Dolia." I gave the older lady a compliment.
Dolia was surprised again by my compliment. "Thank...Thank you your Highness." She said giving me a curtsy, "I will be honored to look after the Kingdom while you're gone. I'm worried though for your safety." She said with a concern look in her eyes as we walked towards the stables.
"Believe me Dolia, we're be safer not in Kalopsia." I paused then added, "I just need to feel safe again and to do that I need to be out of town for awhile, I hope you understand." We reached the stables where the white carriage with gold trimmings and four huge wheels that curved around awaited. The footman wore black pants with a long blue velvet coat that covered the back of his pants and a black bicorn hat that was made of leather and form two points at the corner. He stood at the door to the carriage and opened once he saw me approach. With one final look at Dolia I helped Elowen climb up into the carriage then I handed Jessamine off to her so I could climb in myself.
The footman closed the carriage door behind us then jumped onto the back and gribbed the handle as the driver clicked his tongue. The horses pulled away their feet finding a perfect rhythm of clip, clop, clip, clop as they trodden down the streets of Kalopsia.
Soon we were outside of Kalopsia all around us were fields of wild flowers with looming mountains in the distance. Puffy white clouds danced in the clear blue sky. Elowen became excited and scooted over on the red velvet cushioned seat till she was as close to the window as possible to gaze out at the scenery.
I held Jessamine in my arms and rocked her to sleep gently while watching Elowen's exciting behavior. "Have you ever been outside the Kingdom of Kalopsia?" I asked the young girl.
Elowen turned and shook her head then went back to looking out at the beautiful nature that passed by.
By noon we came to the Enchanted Forest of Love. The road became very narrow so the driver had to bring the horses to a real slow trot. I gazed out the window up at the red heart shaped tree tops remembering my night with Hayden which seemed so long ago now. I smiled down at my baby thinking to myself on how this was the night she was made. Faint drops thudded on the roof of the carriage no a doubt it was the thick sticky red ooze that dripped from the red leaves of the trees.
Elowen stuck her hand out of the window and caught some of the red ooze on her finger tips. She brought her hand in the carriage and gave me a puzzled frown.
"It's okay to eat, it's sweet like candy." I informed her before looking out my own window, "Sickening sweet." I murmured thinking of how Hayden described it. 
The carriage was a lot nicer than walking the whole journey. In a blink of an eyes we were already past the Enchanted Forest of Love when it had taken me and Hayden a day and a half to walk. Riding in the carriage gave you time to rest and clear your head. You could even sleep if you didn't mind the bumping road at times. The only bad thing was your feet became numb after sitting too long. I asked the driver if we could get out and walk when sitting became unbearable.
We walked beside the carriage till dusk fell then we climbed back in the carriage to sleep while the driver and the footman switch places to give each other a break. I tucked a blanket up around Elowen who laid on the long cushion opposite of me. My heart tightened as I thought about the next forest that laid ahead of us tomorrow. I wasn't looking forward to going to the Enchanted Forest of Heartbreak again, but really what choice did I have? It was the only route and road that I knew of that went to Rollick. If I was thinking I should have looked in the library for a map with different paths to take. I fretted to myself and blamed myself for not thinking of it. I laid my precious baby girl down in her baby basket to sleep on the floor of the carriage while I tried to sleep on the other long red velvet cushion.
I ended up staying up most of the night, only sleeping on and off at times when my body failed to keep me awake.

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