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         Hayden ran a hand across my cheek, "You are the most beautiful thing God has ever created. You're more precious than any amount of money, rubies, or beautiful scenery like this; and you deserve to be told that every day." He paused taking a deep breath then he looked at me his hands shaking, "Amaya, I love you."
       I should have been over joyed and happy that the man I love told me how he felt, but when the man you love is cursed and can't love that changes everything. "NO! No!" I screamed but it was too late.
      Hayden's right hand flew to his heart, "agghh." He cried wincing in pain.
      "No! Hayden! What did you do! I sobbed. His one hand still holding mind he crumpled to the ground as I tried to catch him. I fell down beside him sobbing I smacked his chest hard with my fists. "You idiot! Why did you do that?! You knew the cost!" I cried burying my head in his shirt.
     His voice was shaky as he tried to speak, "I know." He groaned griping his chest where his heart was slowing down soon it won't beat at all. "But you deserve to be told I love you everyday. I love you so much."
      Tears poured down my cheeks, "I love you too, but I could have lived without hearing those words from you." I ran my fingers through his hair. "You can't leave me Hayden, I won't make it without you!" I cried.
      "Listen." His gasped for every word. "You... Have... To... Break... Your....Curse.... Find...... Happiness....."
        I shook my head sobbing, "No, don't you see? You were my happiness! You made me happy, I don't want to be happy if I can't be happy with you!"
      Hayden coughed blood oozing out of his mouth, "You'll.....find.....happiness.....again..."
     I cried whispering softly, "I don't want to loose you."
     Tears filled his eyes as well, "Come here."
      I laid down resting my head on his shoulder I wrapped my arms around him and he managed to do the same. We laid there our arms around each other. His breaths got slower and slower each heart beat slowly dying. I looked up into his eyes my face tear stained as I realized the end was near.
      Hayden knew it as well, I couldn't imagine the pain he was in. His face was ash white his eyes droopy. He faintly smiled at me, ""
      I gave him a half hearted smile my heart breaking. I leaned down and kissed him passionately knowing this would be the last kiss I gave him.
        As I pulled up for air he gasped, "Promise...'ll...break...this....curse?"
        The pain tugged at my heart of course I wanted to break this curse for him and for me, but he was my happiness. How could I move on from this? I nodded slowly, "I promise."
        Hayden's eyes slowly closed his beautiful dark brown eyes forever leaving this world. Never again would I be able to gaze into them and fall helplessly for my mysterious kidnapper who I had grown to know and love. I screamed picking up a handful of grass I threw it has hard as I could sobbing then even though he was dead and could no longer hear me I pounded on his chest with my fists. "Why did you have to leave me?!" I sobbed clinging to his shirt.
       "He didn't have a choice,dearie."
      I gasped startled. Standing there was the Great Wizard dressed in his weird red robe that brushed the ground. I wiped my eyes, "What are you doing here?" I asked motionless.
       "Here to pay my regards it's a shame he had to die, but he simply had to."
        "He didn't have to die, he loved me!" I looked down at Hayden's face, "I loved him." tears welled up in my eyes.
         The Great Wizard waved a hand like he was waving off a peaty fly, "Don't cry,  dearie, he was destined to die anyways."
     My eyes moistened with tears I stared blankly at the Great Wizard, "What do you mean he was destined to die?" Then I looked around me everything that has happened has been all part of the Great a Wizard's sick game. He grinned showing his rotting teeth realizing I figured it out, "You..... You wanted this to happen! You wanted Hayden to die!" I spit out angrily standing up to face the Great Wizard.
      "Well of course I did! I planned it!" He said smiling like an insane evil person which was exactly what he was.
     "But why! What did Hayden ever do to you?"
     The Great Wizard laughed cruelly, "Absolutely nothing, dearie."
     Angrily I snatched the silver necklace with the pink diamond off my neck and threw it down at his feet, "Here! Take your stupid necklace!"
     He laughed again, "You are a naive princess. You really think I would want a silly necklace? The mission was never about you getting that necklace!"
        I felt sick this old man was crazy! "You mean to tell me this mission was all about Hayden and me falling in love so you could have the pleasure of him dying?!" I said disgusted.
      The Great Wizard giggled his high pitch giggle, "Precisely, that's why I had him kidnap you, I watched you two from my magic ball bitter, batter, and argue together so cute! Then I sent you to fetch me a necklace that I never even wanted just so I could give him a new job in protecting you on your trip to Agog. I watched you two fall in love it was so precious! I knew his heart wouldn't be able to resist you!" He picked up the necklace off the ground and brushed it off, "Besides this gift was always meant to be yours." He held it out for me to take.
      I snatched the necklace from his filthy hands and clasped it to my neck then I glared at him, "This may all be a fun cruel game to you, but I won't be any part of it. You can take everything that is important to me out of my life, but that won't stop me. No matter what you do, I will break this curse."


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