◀Hongjoong's Attempt at a Yuri on Ice Date▶

596 26 10

On that sunny Saturday morning, Hongjoong gained information from Jongho that Yeosang will be on campus, since he had a two hour minor class during Saturdays

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On that sunny Saturday morning, Hongjoong gained information from Jongho that Yeosang will be on campus, since he had a two hour minor class during Saturdays. 

It was the perfect timing because he also had to pass his plates for his midterms.

So after that whole fiasco, Hongjoong decided to stay in the campus' coffee house to make sure that he catches up to Yeosang. But it wasn't only for that reason, Jongho told him that when his class ends, he always made sure to buy their home-brewed iced tea, specifically the strawberry and kiwi combo with hibiscus tea as the base.

Hongjoong questioned Jongho how the hell did he get that information that was borderline creepy and stalker-like and the younger looks at him with dead eyes, telling him that he always posts the drink on his Instagram, every Saturday.

So with that being said, Hongjoong was sitting on the outdoor tables of the coffee house, initially he wanted to sit inside because of the warm scent of the coffee grounds but he needed to keep an eye out for Yeosang.

He was disguising the fact that he's waiting for someone by reading one of the newly bought novels he had, he couldn't really concentrate but he made sure to read some paragraphs here and there.

He was sipping on his coffee from time to time while the iced tea he bought for Yeosang was on top of the table, it won't be long before he passes by since he heard the warning bell minutes prior.

Low and behold, he spots Kang Yeosang coming his way. This made Hongjoong lean back into his chair, acting as if he wasn't looking his way for the moment but he glances from time to time. When he was only a mere 3 meters away, Yeosang stopped to take his wallet out of his bag and Hongjoong also looked up from his book and he painted a surprised look on his face.

"Oh hey, you're Yeosang, right?" The film major stops what he was doing, looking up from his bag and nodding his head, his glasses had somewhat slid down his nose bridge so he pushes it back immediately.

"Hello, you're one of Jong's friends, right?" Yeosang beams, pointing out that he remembers him when they saw each other in the courtyard during University Week and Hongjoong feels his heart stutter that Yeosang remembers him.

"Yeah, I'm Hongjoong, ½ of his architecture friends."

This makes Yeosang chuckle "Do you mind if I sit down?" Hongjoong shakes his head, offering the seat and he puts away some of his belongings that were on top of it.

"Did you have classes this morning too?" Yeosang asks, tapping his wallet on the surface and Hongjoong shakes his head "Oh no, I just had to pass my plates for midterms, they are the worst." Yeosang hisses, pointing out that he's known some people who have cried over it and Hongjoong admits that he has cried, once or twice.

"I'll just go get a drink, I'll be right-"

"You can have this!" Hongjoong offers quickly, pushing the iced tea he brought, not wanting to let his money go to waste "I thought you ordered two drinks for yourself but I didn't want to judge." Yeosang retracts back down to his seat.

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