First Glances

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Miya Atsumu was always a needy person. He needed people to tell him what to do or what is to be expected of him, and he also got attached to things and people, very easily. Even when him and Osamu fight they never got far apart, Atsumu could never go to bed angry at anyone. So it was to be mildly expected when he met a top 3 ace by the name of Sakusa Kiyoomi, he was immediately entranced. Dark inky curls, the darkest eyes he'd ever seen, huge hands and an indifferent expression. Atsumu was hooked.

"Hi there! What's your name?" Atsumu jogged over to the gym doors were Kiyoomi had walked in from. Atsumu had only been at the gym for a few minutes, he was just checking the nets, and speaking with the coaches. He hadn't even gotten changed into his activewear yet. He didn't realize over half of the camps members were already getting warmed up.

Kiyoomi was clad in an all black tracksuit, and a black mask to match, as soon as he heard someone say 'Hi' he already scowled from behind his mask.

A small glance at Atsumu was all Kiyoomi could muster as he slipped off his shoes and waked away without a second look. Atsumu stood there as he watched the man stalk away, taking off his mask and sanitizing his hands before pushing open the doors to the locker rooms. Holy man his shoulders are massive. Atsumu thought as he stared at his back. Atsumu stood still for a moment and blinked twice before annoyance surged within him.

"Hey! That's rude! Git back 'ere!" He screeched as he speedwalked after Sakusa, because goddamn it he really wanted to get off on a good note so he send him a few tosses, it's not everyday you get to set for a top 3 Ace.

"Hey! I'm tryna be friendly and introduce myself! Whats the big idea?" Atsumu said as he flung the door open. To his surprise many more training camp players were also in the locker room. At Astumu's outburst many pairs of eyes turned to him. As he stood there holding the door open with his shoulder he quickly changed into a dazzling smile

"Sorry just wanted to say Hi to everyone!" He said with a laugh. Everyone was silent, most of the men were half naked and confused at the sudden loud outburst.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kageyama Tobio, I'm also a setter! Pleased to be working with you!" Tobio bowed as Atsumu giggled. Tobio looked like he was in the middle of changing, his shirt was on backwards and his hair was standing up awkwardly.

"Haha calm down Kaygeyama, I'm glad to be working with you too." Atsumu wasn't interested in Kageyama, he just wanted to know where that tall dark man was. He nodded polite greetings as he walked his way through the locker room before finding his bag he set down earlier and begun getting changed. As he pulled his shirt over his head a familiar dark head appeared from behind a locker about 4 spaces down.

"Hey!" Atsumu said he folded up his shirt and shoved it into his bag. "It's the guy who didn't acknowledge me." Sakusa peered over the locker at hearing that voice once again.

"Hi." Sakusa said as he closed the locker and took off his jacket.

"What's your name? I'm Miya Atsumu." Atsumu said as eyed Sakusa's body from the side, undoing the string on his joggers so he wouldn't be caught full on oogling. Of course Atsumu already knew of the infamous Sakusa Kiyoomi, but he wanted to be properly introduced. Kiyoomi sighed and began to raise his arms to remove his t-shirt. Jesus Atsumu's voice echoed in his brain as he saw the smooth pale lines of muscle that was hiding beneath the tracksuit.

"I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi." Sakusa said as he threw a quick glance to Atsumu, quickly darting his eyes back once he saw Atsumu's boxer clad ass peeking out from where he was removing his joggers.

"Oh! You're the famous ace!" Atsumu said brightly as he turned to face Sakusa.

"Yeah I guess." Mumbled Sakusa. Hmm not much of a talker. Atsumu's voice rang in his head.

"How old are you?" Atsumu asked, again he already knew the answer but he was struggling for material and Sakusa was giving him nothing other than defined muscles and a beautiful side profile, leaving his mind blank for small talk.

"I'm 18." Sakusa said as he pulled his head through a green t-shirt, slipping on his black shorts.

"Ah nice," Atsumu smirked as he knew he was older than Sakusa by five months. "I'm turning 19 in a few weeks you should come to my party!" Atsumu babbled. Sakusa opened back up his locker, shielding his face for a moment before putting the bag back into it.

"Not a big fan of parties. Thank's though." Sakusa mumbled as he walked behind Astumu, pushing open the door and disappearing from Atsumu's sight. Sakusa's scent wafted over Atsumu briefly, he smelled like hand sanitizer and mint. Atsumu inhaled after the door swung closed.

"Fuck what are you doin' Atsumu?" He scolded himself quietly. "You just met the man and already you're inviting him to your birthday party? God what am I? Five?" He glanced around to make sure no one heard his outburst before he shoved his bag into the locker and walked to the door with a pout. He took a deep breath, ensuring himself he would get to talk to the mysterious ace soon enough, and left the locker room with a smile on his face.

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