Love rivalry

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Hey guys guess what....I am still alive,well anyways sorry for not updating you know my school have just announced daily test for better improvement in students *sigh* let's just leave it. hear is the new chapter,yeah I know it's been a while since I've updated this book so just enjoy.

After the 'explanation' part everyone one went to stay in different guestrooms as their are so many guestrooms (ofcourse) Ash told sabrina to show them the guestrooms.

As the girls were sitting in a common guestroom serena remembered something as she asked sabrina

Serena: hey Sabrina why were you not surprised seeing Ash's house?and how do you know where the guestrooms are?

She asked and the others too realised that and nodded in agreement with her

Sabrina: well you see I have some a couple to times here and sometimes even Stayed for night so yeah.

As everyone nodded in understanding and accepting the answer then they all went to sleep. but unknown to them some certain girls were feeling something they didn't understand it was like they were feeling a bit of anger in other words they were feeling jealousy.

Next day morning

It's morning time as everyone is waking up slowly then everyone one freshen up and went to the dinning room to see the table decorated with all kinds of food

It's morning time as everyone is waking up slowly then everyone one freshen up and went to the dinning room to see the table decorated with all kinds of food

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It was kinda like a feast.they then went to the kitchen to see who was cooking but to their surprised the cook was non other than Ash himself,to say they were all surprised to see that he knew cooking.

But anyways they then went to eat their breakfast.

TIME SKIP (cause I am lazy af)

After breakfast they all thanked Ash and went to do their own work,all except a certain group of girls containing serena,sabrina,diantha, Cynthia,aria as they went to Ash and said

Cynthia: hey ash we want to ask you a favor

Ash: sure go on

Diantha: well you see Ash we were thinking of going to shoping so—

Ash knew were it was going and didn't like the idea

Everyone: can you please take us to shoping

They all said with goddamn puppy eyes that even god can't deny.

Ash: ok ok jeez you don't have to give me those looks

Everyone: yeah

TIME SKIP To The Shopping Mall

Right now everyone is in the shopping mall in disguise cause you know fans and media

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