Preparations & Progress

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It's been almost a month since the announcement regarding the master's summit tournament while the hype has reduced a little, the excitement of the trainers still remains the same, increasing even.

Ash for the past few weeks had been doing nothing but relaxing and a little bit of training. He had gone on a few dates with Sabrina here and there, completing the paperwork of being a champion, masturbat- *cough* *cough* I mean meditating, etc.


In a secluded clearing nestled deep within a lush forest, Pikachu and Lucario face off, their gazes locked in fierce determination. The air crackles with anticipation as the two Pokémon prepare to clash in an epic battle of strength and strategy.

Pikachu, with its electrified fur sparking with energy, darts nimbly across the terrain, its tiny frame pulsating with electricity. With a quick flick of its tail, Pikachu unleashes a dazzling Thunderbolt, sending bolts of lightning crackling through the air towards Lucario.

But Lucario is no stranger to the battlefield. With a graceful leap, it evades Pikachu's attack, its aura sensors tingling with awareness. Channeling its inner strength, Lucario charges forward, its aura flaring with power as it delivers a swift and precise Metal Claw aimed directly at Pikachu.

Pikachu responds with agility, dodging Lucario's strike with lightning-fast reflexes. With a surge of determination, Pikachu summons the power of its Thunder Wave, sending waves of paralyzing electricity rippling through the air, aiming to immobilize Lucario and gain the upper hand.

But Lucario is unfazed. With a focused gaze, it channels its own aura energy, creating a protective shield that deflects Pikachu's Thunder Wave with ease. Seizing the opportunity, Lucario closes in with blinding speed, its Aura Sphere glowing fiercely as it hurtles towards Pikachu with unstoppable force.

Thinking quickly, Pikachu leaps into the air, narrowly avoiding Lucario's attack. With a burst of speed, Pikachu unleashes its signature move, the devastating Volt Tackle, as it charges headlong towards Lucario with electrifying speed.

Lucario braces itself, its aura pulsating with resilience as it prepares to face Pikachu's onslaught head-on. The two Pokémon collide in a spectacular clash of power, their energies intertwining in a dazzling display of sparks and lightning.

As the dust settles, both Pokémon stand, panting heavily from the intense battle. With a mutual respect for each other's strength and determination, Pikachu and Lucario nod in acknowledgment before parting ways, each ready to face new challenges on their journey to become true Pokémon masters.

"Alright that's enough for today" came the sudden voice of Ash

Both the Pokemon returned to Ash, lucario going into his pokeball while Pikachu climbed onto Ash's shoulder

"Well then what should we do now?" Asked Ash to nobody in perticular

"Pika pi Pikachu"

"That's not a bad idea why don't we just roam around the forest" said Ash

Ash then went to dress in something that would hide his identity, thus he dressed in a white t-shirt his usual pants and shoes along with a sunglass and his cap.

After getting dressed he and Pikachu started to make their way to the viridian forest that's when they saw something red near the small lake in the forest, they approached to see what it was.

"What do you think Pikachu, is it a person?" Ash asked Pikachu

"Pika pi" (seems like it)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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