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Chapter 2
(DISCLAIMER: kenma doesn't play for the volleyball team cuz of his dance classes)


Kenma pov:

Oh shoot im late for dance class AGHHHH! WHY IN ALL OF THE DAYS! The dance is in two months and i got the lead whyyyyyyyy?! Sometimes i just wanna skip it and quit but mom and dad would probably kill me so i won't risk it. And i really hate that girl who thinks she's the main character ugh...she looks like a broken doll to be honest, she thinks she's this perfect Y/N character ugh she pretends to stutter when she can talk normally like others. Oh and that boy in the corner that's my dance partner Namaki.

Kenma: Hey namaki sorry im late

Namaki: Oh its ok kenma im also late hehe..

Kenma: really now?

Namaki: what? Ya don't believe me?

Kenma: I believe you c'mon coach will be mad at us if we stay here for too long

Namaki: OH SHIT! LET'S GO!

Namaki took my hand pulling me to the Gym. Not gonna lie he's kinda cute. KENMA NO! YOU ONLY LIKE-

(The school has two gym's The first gym is for sports and the second gym are for the dance class and theatre club)

Namaki: Kenma-san we're here

Kenma: O-oh sorry for that i zoned out

Namaki: That's fine!


Kenma and Namaki: YE-YES MA'AM!

Coach: Why are you late?

Kenma: Uhm... Well...

Namaki: We practiced for a little bit coach we didn't pay attention to the time

Kenma: Mhm...

Coach: Ok ok i understand, now go and stretch

Kenma and Namaki: Yes coach Raven

Coach raven: Ok

Coach Manabu: Hey coach raven can i ask a favour?

Coach Raven: Yeah sure what is it coach?

Coach Manabu: Ah so the Basketball team and the badminton team are taking over the gym and we have a practice match with Fukurodani in 2 months and we need a place to practice.

Coach Raven: What am i gonna do about this situation?

Coach Manabu: I was wondering if we could borrow half of the gym for practice?

Coach Raven: Hmm.... Let me ask my students about that and you go talkto you're members and we'll discuss it later before afternoon practice if that's alright with you?

Coach Manabu: Ok coach thank you if they do agree i promise you we won't be a bother.

Coach Raven: Alright coach I'll see you later after practice.

Coach Manabu: Good bye coach

Coach Raven: Mhm....

*Earlier with Kenma and Namaki*

Kenma: Aghhhhhh- i forgot my leggings at home!

Namaki:oh you can borrow mine if you want?

Kenma: No it's ok i still have my shorts

Namaki: O-oh o-ok... (Heehehe yur gay for kenma namaki-kun
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Kenma: Oh... My shorts are too short....

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