Chapter 3: Finesse

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Coach Raven: Alright! Kenma, Namaki, Jonathan, Hilary, Alie and Marcus! Get into position for fineness.

Kenma, Hilary and Alie got in front while the other 3 stayed in the sides.

(just pretend kenma is the first girl in the middle With the blue jacket and Namaki is in the middle with the blue jacket too)

-Watch the video there at the top 👆🏻-

Coach Raven: And that's a wrap take a 10 min. Break I'll be out to get something in the faculty

Hilary: Hey kenma-san!

Kenma: oh hilary what's up?

Hilary: your dance moves are flawless

Kenma: You too Hilary we work good together

Hilary: Can we pr-

Alie: *scoffs* what's so flawless about that? Kenma moves like a stick

Hilary: Don't listen to her kenma-san

Kenma: No no no let her continue hilary

Hilary: but-

Kenma: I'll handle it

Alie: As i was saying you, your dance moves are trash kenma, i don't even know how you became captain! I deserve to be captain in the first place.

Kenma: Mhm... And?

Alie: You should just quit dancing! Your not fit to be dancing here!

Kenma: Ok and?-

?? 1 : Hey alie! SHUT YER TRAP!


?? 3: Hey! Stop it! Alie is right kenma doesn't deserve it (she's one of Alie's friend)

?? 4: Yeah! You bitches don't even deserve to be here in the first place

?? 3: im throwing hands!

?? 1: Come at me bitch!

?? 2: oh Hell yeah im gonna beat you up!

?? 4: Ha! As if!

Then a fight happened between the four girls kenma was just staring at them while kenma' s other friends decided to lecture alie for being mean to kenma the boys were trying to stop the fight between the 4 girls but they keep fighting back and kicking the boys.


?? 1: But-

Kenma: If you're not gonna stop i will kick you out of the team!

?? 2: but they-

Kenma: I don't wanna hear your complaints

?? 3: You-

?? 4: You can't order us around bitch!

Coach Raven: What's happening here?!

Kenma: A fight started coach

Coach Raven: who started the fight kenma?

Kenma: those 3 miss * points at Alie and her friends*

?? 3 : Wh- I was just trying to defend my friend!

Kenma: Calling me and my friends names and telling me i didn't deserve my position as a captain? I didn't chose to be captain the class chose me to be the captain.

Coach Raven: Alright kenma what do you want to do with the 3 who started the fight?

Kenma: Why do i get to punish them?

Coach Raven: It's your responsibility to keep the class and team at peace and maitain our reputation kenma. So you have my permission to give them punishments

Kenma: Oh.... Well since its just a little argument. They can't attend practice tomorrow and for the rest of the day since they wasted everyone break time.

Coach Raven: Is that all-


Coach Raven:.... Did you just cut me off?

Alie: I-im sorry coach...

Coach Raven: I had enough of your attitude young lady DETENTION NOW!

Alie: BUT-

Coach Raven: I don't want your excuses now go!

Alie: Yes coach

Alie walked out of the gym with her bags and other necessities

Coach Raven: And you two... Get out of my gym and go to your proper classes you won't get to attend afternoon practice and tomorrow's practice

The two girls: Yes Coach....

The girls walked out with their bags and necessities


All of the class except kenma: YES COACH!

Kenma: Thank you coach

Coach Raven: Your welcome kenma. Now go your partner is waiting

Kenma: Yes coach

Kenma walked towards Namaki

Namaki: Well done CaPtAiN~

Kenma:Oh shut up namaki let's go and practice our Dance

Namaki: Sure thing cap.

Kenma: C'mon!

Namaki:ok ok.... Wait does this make me vice captain?

Kenma: Dumbass of course not Hilary is my vice captain

Namaki: Ugh not fair~

Kenma: Stop whining like a baby

Namaki: Meanie


(With Inouka)

Inouka pov:
Kenma-san looks hot wearing that outfit hehe, (few minutes later) wow everyone chose kenma for captain, I'll tell everyone about this later I'll congratulate him later. I saw kenma-san dance with Namaki i felt jealous actually, not fair that he can dance with kenma-san, After their dance this one girl decided to tease kenma and a fight started, i don't know why but i ran towards the school faculty and called Coach Raven.

Inouka: uhm excuse me Is coach raven here?!

Coach Raven : Yes what do you need child?

Inouka: There's a fight going on in your class miss

Coach Raven: What happend this time?! Thank you inouka you can go back to volleyball practice now.

Inouka: Yes miss


Kuroo pov:
Hmm... Where's inouka?.... Oh shit yeah i told him to spy on kenma and that namaki guy. I wonder what they're doing now?

Inouka: Sorry im late coach nekomata

Coach nekomata: It's alright now go stretch and after practice me and Coach Manabu has something to say.

All of the nekoma team: Yes coach!


~Chapter 3 completed~

Sorry for the short chapter it was kinda rushed

And sorry for the grammar mistakes

See you next week for the next update

             - Authorchan~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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