Chapter 3: Locker room hallway 💀

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So as the dream progresses I'm walking in the hallway going towards the locker room in which I left my coat in. As I make it towards the locker room the hallway kind of shrinks, but I see about 5 or 6 dudes & a female standing outside the doorway to enter.
As I walk towards them my thighs are touching both of the walls (that's how close the walls are I am a well portioned black girl who hates her thighs) but I just thought nah this is ridiculous 😂 why are the walls so close together? 🤨🤷🏽‍♀️

Anywho, I just carry on forward but as I do I see a guy look at me struggling who happens to be (CHUNKZ) 🥰😍 if your from England (Birmingham or London to be exact) you know who (CHUNKZ) 😍🤤 & his annoying ass friend filly 🤮🥴 are (I've dated my fair share of Somali dudes but oiii chunkz does something for me ! 🥴. But anyway back to the story.

So I pass chunkz and turn towards the girl who is literally laying on the floor to the entrance of the door so I look at her like ? 😐 (are you not going to move ? You see me standing here) I kid you not guys the girl looks up at me & it turns out to be viola Davis 😂 (probably cause not so long ago I watched a movie where she was crying & snotting all over the place 🤧. I think it was widows)

Anyway I step over here & ever the locker room.

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