Chapter 6

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The loud and deafening screams shocked all the students in the class D camp.

They turned towards the source, Kushida was seen kneeling on the ground, her legs shaking, and her face looked terrified and shocked at the same time as if she had just seen a ghost.

Her friends run over to her and ask what happened. Trying to keep her conscious, her trembling mouth tried to say a word or two but couldn't, she raised her hand and pointed into the boy's tent.

"A-aawa, a-, aa.... Y-yamauchi— "

She was terrified, she desperately hugged the legs of a boy who was standing near her. She didn't care who it was, all she had in mind was hiding from the disgusting sight she saw just a moment ago.

She already had a nightmare last night. And now, she felt a sensation that was as terrifying as waking up from a long, endless dream.

The painful memories of the past are pulled back into her mind. A table with various kinds of scornful writing with Pilox paint, a disgusting smell from under the table filled with trash and old rat carcasses, her bag torn with a cutter, her wet book, a tense atmosphere throughout the room, and the hateful stares of her classmates, she is forced to look at that moment again.

She saw how herself in the past became the center of attention of the entire class and her friends, being the target of bullying due to her unforgivable mistakes. If only it was not known, if only she could keep a secret about herself properly, if only... .. all of that didn't happen.

To that end, now Kushida was determined not to repeat the same mistakes as in the past. She ran away to this school, hoping that the same thing wouldn't happen again, starting a new life.

In front of her right now, she was standing by the window, looking at how she in the past was laughing happily at the chaos before her eyes. Boys fighting each other, girls grabbing each other's hair and cursing, insults, and anger, as if morals and common sense have disappeared from the depths of the human heart.

For a moment, the corners of her mouth curved. Kushida smiled seeing all this. She walked away from her past self and walked out of the classroom. But the strange thing is that when she tried to open the door and get out of the room, her steps stopped when she felt the classroom which was previously full of commotion suddenly filled with a strange silence.

She turned to see what was going on and found her whole body shivering with fear.

All the students in the room turned around and looked at Kushida.

Not the past Kushida, but the current Kushida where she's dreaming.

Even her past self, she also turned and looked at her.

Kushida took a few steps back until her back touched the exit door. 

1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, nothing happened, they just stared blankly at Kushida with horror and malice.

"What... .just happened?"

Confused and afraid are mixed up, she could only freeze.


When she winked her eyes,

Instantly everyone in the classroom pointed at Kushida.

They raised their hands and pointed their index fingers at Kushida, their eyes also looked different, so black that you would hesitate to believe that their eyeballs had just been pulled out of their face. Their mouths opened and closed again as if to speak, it then turned into screams full of misery and evil

"It is here!"

One by one, the heads of every student in the room exploded. But, their bodies were still standing straight and their hands were still pointing towards Kushida

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