Chapter 37

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Mikey is ecstatic about our new plans, but our newfound bliss quickly fades when we enter the computer room. Phantom has gathered there, Frank and Maya in the middle, the rest of them on the couches and chairs.

" act now," Frank finishes.

He gestures for me and Mikey to sit down, and we do, both confused as to what the hell is going on. Some of the Phantoms appear to have been crying, some of them are crying, but they all have weak smiles on their faces. The live representation of bittersweet.

"I know it would be better to have at least another month to train, but we have to help Malcolm," Maya says, and many Phantoms nod in agreement.

"M—" I start, my throat suddenly dry. "Malcolm?"

Maya smiles and flicks away a tear before it can run down her cheek. "He's awake. We finally hacked into all of NIC's cameras, and there he was. Alive. Healthy. We have to get him out of there. It's now or never."

The nervous tension in the room mixes with fear and relief and sadness, all at once. My own stomach coils at the thought, and I don't even have to do anything.

"That's great," I say.

Honestly, I'm relieved. I don't have to convince them to act sooner. I guess Malcolm came through for me again. Phantom will destroy the virus before Regina's deadline. We will find the flash drive and remove these damn files. I will have my freedom back. For once, my luck must have figured out how to function. About time.

"Will should be back within a few hours, but our plan so far is to act within the next two days. We also thought it would be a good idea for her to bring some booze back so we can have a last hurrah," Maya says, and a combination of a scoff and a sigh escapes her lips. "We all need to celebrate Malcolm's recovery. And we need to forget about all this for a little while."

Frank interjects with what this room needs the most right now: joy and enthusiasm. "And we'll throw the best party in history! Ya hear me? And after that we'll train and save Malcolm and destroy that fucking virus!"

A collective "YEAH" fills the room, and even I join in, but I'm mostly excited about the part about booze and partying. Malcolm being awake is also nice news to start the day with.

From here on out, I'm sure things will go my way. I have a revolutionary plan to use Phantom like they've used me, and we'll get free alcohol later? This day can't get any better.


Phantom spend their day going over their plans, drawing out layouts of both the NIC's headquarter and lab, discussing how to best enter the buildings and who best to do it. I try to do my best not to care, because why should I, but I find myself listening to their planning and admiring them.

These are regular kids, teenagers, young adults, from regular families with regular lives, and they're here to change the world. They're here despite their fears and doubts. Here to destroy Regina and the NIC.

The bullied beating up the bully.

The cogs finally stopping the machine.

My mother's words run through my head. I try to ignore them, to drown them out by talking, by joking around, by turning up the volume on the TV, but they break through with a force so great it almost devastates me.

You fight for those who can't. You fight for the weak even when you feel weaker. And most important, you do what's right.

That was the speech she always gave to me after bullies sparked my anger. When I was really young, and afraid of going to school. Back when I didn't dare stand up for myself. When it was easier to let the ones bigger than me throw me around. But mom wouldn't have it. She always fought for what was right, not what was easy. Easy and right rarely go hand in hand, something I've learned over and over again. Not by doing the right thing, especially not after she died, but maybe now...

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