Chapter 1

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"What are we going to do about this?"President Howard Goodman slouched in his chair, hoping that somebody else would come up with a plan before they met again. He couldn't admit defeat, but the situation seemed totally hopeless. He knew telling everyone to leave had probably been counter-productive, considering the time constraints, but at least now he had space to think without people interrupting him every three seconds.
"I think I have an idea, Mr President."
He turned round to see a man wearing a red and black leather jacket and pale blue T-shirt with a cocky smirk.
"W-Who are you?"
"I'm Agent Curt Mega, from PEIP. I've been sent to help with the ... situation." He held out his hand and the President shook it.
"I've never heard of you guys."
"And you likely never will again. Not a peep." He waited for a laugh but, the president just stared at him, unsure of what to do or how to react.
Curt cleared his throat, "Mr President, We need your help. We believe the only way to stop what's going on is to enter the black and white and reason with Wiggly. That's where you come in."
"You- You want me to go where?"
"The Black and White, Wiggly's dimension. PEIP recently completed construction on a portal."
"So... Has anybody ever entered before?"
"Well, we believe that Uncle Wiley, who makes the dolls, likely inhabits the black and white as Wiggly's helper and presence on earth."
"So nobody else has ever gone in?"
"No. We would be the first."
"Fuck that." He shook his head and stood up, "What if we die?"
"We won't. PEIP has been running experiments on that place and on the portal for nearly seven years now. We know how to stop people being sucked in."
"Sucked in?"
"That's what we believe happened to Uncle Wiley. Mr President, you're the only one who can do this."
"Fine. What do I need to do?"
Curt smiled triumphantly, "Come with me."

The two arrived at Curt's office and the President tentatively stepped inside behind him.
"Mr President, this is Xander Lee."
A man wearing a white shirt and red tie turned and shook the president's hand, "Good afternoon, Mr President. Can I call you Howie?"
"Uh-" He looked around the office and realised an entire wall was just a screen, there were about twenty flash drives lying around the computer and three filing cabinets bursting at the seams. He was puzzled over how this organisation could exist in secret when they seemingly had so many cases to work on, but admired how good they clearly were at covering up all these incidents. He also wondered what past incidents he had been kept ignorant of.
"Xander here was at the forefront of creating the portal and he'll talk you through everything you need to know and get you in your suit before we go."
Howie nodded, "When do we go?"
"As soon as you know what you're doing and you're in your suit. It's nearly ten o'clock and we only have until midnight to fix this," Xander replied, clicking a few buttons on a remote before the screen lit up. Half of it was black, the other half white and a picture of Wiggly took up most of the black side whilst a spider was on the white. Howie guesses that's where the place got its name.
"This," Xander pointed at Wiggly, "Is the half of the black and white that Wiggly rules over. It's where he and his minions, his sniggles, plot their chaos. This is where you'll be going. Your job is simple. Tell Wiggly to leave us alone. Tell us we won't let him destroy us."
"You think it will work?" Howie asked sceptically.
"It's our only shot. We've never seen anything like this before." Curt looked down at him.
"What have you seen before?"
Xander responded nonchalantly, "Singing apocalypses, time travelling androids, clones going rogue, all sorts of things. But never before have we seen a god of chaos try to reign on earth as a physical being."
"I'm sorry, time travelling whats? Clo-"
"No time for that. We only have about fourteen hours before the day's over and we're screwed. You two need to get into your suits. Follow me."
They followed Xander to a room in which there were two fully black suits with backpacks and what looked like space helmets.
"Curt?" Xander beckoned for him to go over and he got him into the black boots, trousers, gloves and jacket with the clear, spherical helmet. "There's an oxygen tank built into the backpack and you should be able to breathe in the helmet for twenty four hours." Xander explained before turning to Howie, "Now it's your turn."
He cautiously approached Xander, got his suit on and tried to talk before realising nobody could hear him. After Xander pressed small red buttons on the sides of his and Curt's helmets, Curt was the first to speak.
"Are you ready, Mr President?"
Not ready whatsoever, in fact, completely terrified, he nodded. He would have laughed at the way the helmet bounced if he wasn't trying so hard to control his breathing and heart rate.
0If you'll follow me to the portal, then." Xander lead them to another room. It was totally black. They couldn't see a thing. Until Xander spun a huge silver wheel in the middle of the floor and black and white spirals erupted out, bouncing on the floor as they approached Curt and Howie. Both men's legs were encircled by the semi-transparent twists that tried to pull them toward the portal. It started to violently spark, angry that they wouldn't let themselves be dragged through.
"Do we just jump in?" Howie asked, shaking.
"Yep. Before those sparks get angrier and burn down the building."
"That can happen?"
"It nearly did during construction." Xander said from behind the wheel, which he was using as a shield.
"Take my hand." Curt grabbed Howie's glove, pulled him up on to the step, and jumped, giving him very little choice in the matter.


(A/N: Heyyy, I really hope this story makes sense, it sort of does in my head lmao. Hope you enjoy!)

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