Niall??! Where are you!

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Zayn's POV
Seeing Niall run out like that hurt me yet I just stade there, "I'm a horrible friend" I thought that's it I can't take it, "Niall where are you" I mumbled now running after him, ignoring the boys telling me to leave him. I started to sprint of to find the Irish one, I feel so sick like I'm going to puke up my guts sick, "what if something happened to him... no that can't happen I'll make sure of it.. I hope" I wimped to myself now running as fast as I can, where could he go right come zayn think like Niall "if I was Niall I would,  ugh I dunno I've never seen him like this" I panicked "NIALL" where are you Niall *sniff* don't cry don't cry don't cry he'll be alright I'm sure.

Half an hour later

I can't feel my legs they feel like jelly and it doesn't help that it's almost midnight In fact it makes everything worse "I'm not going to find him" I said looking everywhere, "Niall where are you mate" I said with tears now soaking my face. "NIALL" I shouted "please I need you" I whimpered "Niall" I quietly said with bubbles forming in my mouth,  "no zayn we are not going to give up come pull yourself together" I mumbled to myself. I've been running for around 20 minutes from when I *cough* cried *cough* "I need a break" I breathed.

As I was quietly crying I heard mumbling from the distance.. "Niall" I whispered now lifting my head up "is that you" now fully listening out I heard a bang.. wait a bang! I panic as I start to run towards an old ally way "uhh this place is disgusting" I thought, as I was looking down the dark and rat infested ally way I saw a body with blonde hair "no no no this can't be Niall" I worry as I run towards the body now panicking I realised "Niall no no I'm so sorry please niall please" I sat down and cried with his head in my lap "oh god please niall" I can't breathe "this is all my fault". I was starting at his closed eyes, "please open your eyes, I- I need to see them... please" my throat has now formed a lump as i stare at his pale face, his rosy cheeks had lost there colour, his plum lips have gone purple and his eyes, oh his eyes "please niall open them" I cried I need to see his ocean blue eyes I need to know he's okay "can you hear me" I was desperately waiting for an answer, I knew I wasn't getting one but that didn't stop me, I need my Niall. After tying to keep him warm I had to call the ambulance "Niall it's going to be okay" I looked at him with a blurry vision "I just need to call them okay I'm right here" I wispered in his now purple ear.

I just Finnished talking to 999 and I couldn't help it I just collapsed "oh niall I'm so sorry if I didn't have that break you would of been okay, it's all my fault" I say as I stare at his lifeless body "I can't lose you niall" I cried, "it's so dark a-and rainy and I just, I just need you to be okay niall" I was basically talking to myself, I mean I might be holding a dead Niall.. no don't think like that he's not he's just.. sleeping yeah he's sleeping and he's pale b-because it's.. cold, *sigh* "they'll be here soon I'm sure" I gave Niall one last hug before the flashing blue lights came into view "see I told you" I weakly smiled at him.

A/n: I know this chapter is short but I lost motivation half way lol but hopefully it's still good
Also remember there's always someone out there that loves you

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