How could you

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Me and zayn got back from the hospital about a week ago now but I can't seam to stop saying thank you to him, although saying that he's been acting wierd ever since we got back.. but I haven't rlly thought any of it because what he did was just.. well I guess brave yeah, brave.  I mean I would of bean dead by now if it wasn't for him. Obviously it's been hard with the whole cancer thing but I think I've hidden it pretty well from everyone.

On my way to the living room now lol I left my gutairs  in there and I have to write some new songs for the fans.. god this is going to take forever, I groan just thinking about it "ugh let's just get it over and done with then" I mumbled to myself as I entered the living room. Oh look Zayn's here!.
After talking to zayn for a bit I realised that time is getting on I HAVE to write these songs *sigh* oh well let's do this "alright well see ya round" I smile as I stop in my tracks and quickly add
"thank you, you know for what you did" all he did was hum.. "..okay then" I mumbled. I scratched my cheek right when zayn chose to speak up "you can stop now" I look at him confused "what do you mean" he huffs as he goes on "can you just stop thanking me every 10 seconds I didn't even do it for you!" He shouted now looking pissed I just stand there as he bumps my shoulder on the way out, he didn't do it for me.. "what does that me" I mumbled. Standing up I chose to go talk to him, I have to know what he means.

I entered the kitchen as zayn flips the kettle on "urm.. zayn can I talk" he looks annoyed but nods, right okay then "I just.. er I just wanted to know what you meant" I asked already feeling the tears rise as he deep breathes "look Niall, your a okay friend alright.. but your so annoying and you just don't shut up and so obviously that being you, you get attention and well that's about it" he shrugs annoyed I looked at him shocked "..what do you mean though! Your telling me shit I don't need to know zayn!" Getting angry now I finish of saying "just fucking tell me what I want to hear you dick!" Zayn looks mad "YOU WHAT TO KOW DO YOU HUU?! OF CORSE YOU DO, YOU NOSY STUPID PEACE OF SHIT!" "LOOK WHOS FUCKING TALKING! YOU JEALOUS FUCK JUST TELL ME YOU BASTARD!!" He looks like he could rip my head of "OH ILL TELL YA! I FUCKING USED YOU THERE YOU GO!, I DIDNT CARE ABOUT YOU NIALL NOBODY DOES" there he said it, he actually said it "..why?" I said " WHY ZAYN! WHAT SO YOU FAKED EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DID INCLUDING! STAYING IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL MAKING ME FEEL SO SHIT ABOUT MYSLEF BECAUSE I THOUGHT I HAD ACTULLY FUCKING HURT YOU, YOU TWO FACED TWAT"
And with that he left slammed the door and everything .
How did this even happen I cry
I just thanked him only for this to happen *sobs*

It's been about two hours now and I chose to go out and get my mind of of things and so here I am.. drinking once again *sigh* "fuck my life man" I mumbled...

A/n: alright so This is teerriibblleee!! But I just I don't know how to write anymore 😩
But erm yeah I dunno how to end this one so.. erm well this got awkward quick *coughs* fuck how do I end this erm well thanks for.. reading igs yeah that
Yeah well bye love you x
What lol I don't know you ahh well
Anyways have a good day and please remember your loved

Btw do u think worms think that  slugs are just fat versions of themselves bc I've been wondering about that all day.. ik wierd but hey ho that's me 😂

Okay bye srsly this time!

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