⁰⁸. 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞

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''  ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵒʷⁿ ˡᶦᵗᵗˡᵉ ʳᵒᵘᵗᶦⁿᵉ ''


A month had passed since Nari and Sunoh became a couple. They spent almost all of their time together, learning about one another slowly and gradually becoming closer while following their own little routine that they had quickly fallen into.

In the mornings of weekdays, Sunoh would stop by Nari's house to have breakfast with her before walking her to school. The two would leave early, giving themselves enough time to leisurely stroll along the streets of the city while holding hands and pointing out cute little stores that they wanted to visit. They would walk around for as long as they could before eventually heading to school, always stepping through the school gates a minute or so before the teacher on duty was supposed to close them.

During school, they partnered up on every project that they were set in class and spent every break together, either strolling around campus or cuddling at their spot. They revised materials together at the library for upcoming tests and ate lunch together at the cafeteria, choosing an empty table in the corner and claiming it as theirs. They avoided the other students most of the time, much preferring one another's company to that of their peers who occasionally sent the couple curious glances but didn't bother to approach them.

After school, the couple visited the little stores that they spotted during their morning walks. They explored bookshops, cute little cafés, new bakeries, tiny trinket shops, and they even found a thrift store which Nari declared as her favourite out of all of the places that they found as soon as she spotted it. 

Sunoh wasn't surprised by this—he still remembered how he had caught her lighting up at the mention of thrift stores during the first time that he went to her house. Her fascination with them became more apparent when she began to beg him to stop by the store for at least five minutes on their way back from school every day, her lips pulled into a cute pout and a pleading look in her eyes. He never refused her, enjoying the warm fluttery feeling dancing in his heart whenever he saw Nari enjoying herself while rushing from one strange home decoration to another and cooing at them.

Finding new places to visit and trying out new things together was the favourite part of the couple's weekly routine. They giggled as they fooled around with one another in the trinket shops, smiled brightly whenever they discovered a new snack or drink that they liked at the small cafés, and took plenty of pictures at each of their newly explored locations.

Nari uploaded the best photos of the both of them to her Stargram, not really bothering to look at how many likes she got or what people were commenting on her posts despite the increasing number of notifications that she got as time went on. She wasn't doing it for the attention of the public or to gain a following—she was simply making a record of their memories together so that they could look back on the posts later on and reminisce about what happened on those days. Her favourite photos were those which were taken seconds after she had called Sunoh's name without telling him that she was taking a photo—the gentle look on his face which appeared whenever he looked her way was Nari's 2nd favourite out of all of his expressions. Naturally, his smile took the number 1 spot in that list.

Meanwhile, Sunoh's Stargram was controlled by his manager and so he couldn't upload anything despite wanting to. That didn't stop him from taking lots of pictures, though. He enjoyed capturing the moments in which he found Nari to be effortlessly beautiful—the moments when she was simply being herself. Every time that he would find himself being captivated by the little things that she did, he would snap a photo and then laugh when Nari would whine to him straight after about her not having been ready. In response he would only grin boyishly and say 'payback' after which Nari would pout at him but stop whining. 

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