Chapter 13 | When The Darkness Comes

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"I wants us to be real. I want to be just you and me."

- Elizabeth Scott, The Unwritten Rule


Chapter 13 | When The Darkness Comes

T R I G G E R  W A R N I N G

Why Jace would do what he did still remained a mystery to me. I didn't understand why he would do such a thing.

It hurt me so much to see him like this. You must be wondering why I care so much about a guy I met less then a week ago. Well I do and you shouldn't have a problem with that.

Because I consider him as my friend and I hope he considers me as one too.

Once again, I slowly brought my hands down to the ragged cuts on his arms making sure not to hurt Jace more then he already was.

The scars from previous slashes and cuts could now be seen more clearly and I felt as if I could see and feel what he had been through.

The red crimson liquid felt warm and sticky under my fingers and I knew that this sense of touch didn't affect him as much as I thought it would.

I wanted him to feel the pain

At least it would assure me that he could feel the pain, that I wasn't too late.

"Jace" I said, my eyes still streaming with tears. "Please tell my why you did this to yourself."

He sighed and bit down on his lip but did answer my question even though it was in a pained and fragile voice which made me cringe as he spoke.

"Because I'm worthless and I'm a waste of space."

I wanted to slap him for saying that but seeing him in that small and fragile state scared me to do so and that if I did, I might break something inside him.

"Never say that again, promise me you won't." I croak, slowly placing my hands on his shoulders again.

I wanted to panic and cry because I didn't know how to help or take care of him.

Mrs Ryder I wonder how you did it.

And then a thought came to mind. Did Jace's mom even know what he was putting himself through.

I ran out of the room as fast as my legs could take me and brought back the huge first aid kit which we kept in the kitchen.

I moved forward to clean the wound but was stopped.

"I don't want you to help me, I don't deserve your help."

"Just shut up! You deserve and need my help." I think that was a little harsh, but I was angry.

"Kira, have you ever wondered if people really knew how messed up and crazy you were, they'd never really want to be your friend."

That was everyday of my life.

"If by saying messed up and crazy you're referring to yourself then you need to stop. You're none of those damn traits."

"I'm ADHD and I've got bipolar disorder and you're still saying I'm not messed up."

"Yeah I'm still gonna say ur not messed up, because even after all that you're still okay. You're still breathing even though you may not want to."

"I don't want your pity, I do this so that I can cope with burden of life. Pain helps me feel that I'm still there."

"Why are you doing this to yourself. Why do you hurt yourself this way."

"Look at me, could you imagine a normal teenage guy? Why am I even telling you all this, it's not like you understand what I'm going throught." he said in a harsh tone.

"Haven't the pictures clicked yet, I have god damn anxiety disorder. Do you understand why I care now." I spat.

He stays silent.

"And besides, I thought I was your friend."

I think that shut him up because he let me fix up those wounds of his. There were a few ouches and a few swear words but I got the bandages back on.

"Those wounds were pretty deep, please don't ever do that again."

"You know I can't promise you anything, nothing is definate." He laughs softly, "how did you know what to put on, or how to even tie bandage? I totally suck at it."

After that long lecture, how I tie bandages is supposedly important.

"My mother's a doctor, you'll meet her tomorrow morning." he nodded.

"Thank you for not thinking I'm a freak."

"I would never have. Oh and the reason you where acting like an ass when we first met was because you didn't take your medicine right." he sheepishly nodded.

"You're good at picking up the pieces, I left for a bit so that I could get the medicene."

"I suggest that you should go to sleep for a bit, you lost a lot of blood you know. I'll bring up dinner for you."

"Oh and Kira, I'm sorry I made you cry." His head looking at the ground.

I went over and wrapped my hands around him, enveloping him in a tight hug and whispered "I'm sorry I wasn't there, just don't leave me behind."

I sat down besides him and laid his head down on my lap while playing with Jace's hair, trying to make him fall asleep.

"You can fall asleep on my knees and I'll hold your hand." I sang softly under my breath.

"Separate yourself from the darkness in this world and slip into a peaceful land."

"But hell will rise and the sun will fall down."

"So close your eyes I'll wake you when the day sounds."

"When the darkness comes."


I officially suck at long sad scenes when it comes to writing them. In my head they just go with the flow and they seem amazhang. Always remember if you're going through something, it won't hurt to tell someone, cut the cake not the wrist. (I love food xD)

~ the one percent

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