All On Your Own... 👶🏼

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"If you have any trouble give Clair a call-yoi." I kiss Marco goodbye.

"I will be safe." I wave him off as the ship sails out. He said he had a few things to on another island.

Davis stayed behind, in case Sarah went into labour early. Marco said was possible but unlikely, I cursed him. Now he's just jinxed me...

I go back decided to do a bit more reading and prepare a bag of the stuff I need and may need. I know something going to happen.


"What time is it?" I look over it's 12 o'clock.

"I guess I can go to bed since I'll be opening the centre by myself." Just as I head to the Den Den goes off.

I don't even get a chance to speak, "(Y/N) SARAH GONE INTO LABOR!"

I KNEW IT! "Calm down Davis, how far apart are her contraction?"


"Close or far apart."


"I'll be there as quick as I can! Make sure Sarah comfortable."




"Please hurry! And bring caramel with you please!!"

"I will see you all soon."

"Thank you..."

I quickly make my way to Sarah and Davis'. Kelly opens the door, "Hi Ms (Y/N) Mummy in her room." She grabs my hand pulls me in. "Mummy, Ms (Y/N) here."

I get into the room, Sarah walking around with what I guess is caramel milk.

"(Y/N) you're here ~"

"Yep, how's are you feeling?"

"I need more caramel milk..." She looks at her glass, upset.

"We ran out of milk."

"Isn't your Dad back yet?"


"It's okay I brought milk and caramel." I hand them to Kelly, "do you need help."

"Nope, I'm good." She runs out. "Daddy you're back, Ms (Y/N) brought milk and caramel."

"That's good."

She walks around the room, "I told Davis not to call. The contractions aren't that close yet."

"It doesn't matter I'm here now. How about I check see hows are going?"

"Okay ~"

I check her and baby over they're doing okay. "You're 9cm dilated, 1 more cm and you're good to go."

"He's not making any attempt to come out."

"Don't boys like staying in their rooms?"

"Yes, they do... Oh dear no!" She stays freaking out.

Maybe that wasn't a good idea... "I'm sure he'll come out when you hit 10cms."

"Sarah here's your caramel milk ~"

"This is you're all your fault!"

I've started a fight... "Calm down, enjoy your milk. Baby seems love it."

"You're right!" She shrugged it down. "Davis more milk!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" He runs back out.


Rise From The Ashes - Marco x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now