Ring 💍

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- 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜... 𝙵𝚞𝚌𝚔 𝚖𝚎... 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚒𝚝 -

A few months on the island was back to normal. I'm still learning how to transform completely. It's a lot harder than it looks. I can do my arms and legs, I struggle to go full. "One day I'll be able to. As long as I can fly, it's not so bad."

"Ms (Y/N)! Ms (Y/N)!" I turn around to see Kelly running over.

"What's the matter, Kelly?"

"Oh, Jackson hurt himself! It's really bad! You have to come quick!" She runs off, I follow after her.

"What happens?"

"We were playing, and. And he fell, there's blood everywhere. He's trying not to cry, there's heaps of blood. On his leg... Arms! A lot on his arms!"

Look at Kelly she giggling? "Are you sure Jackson got hurt?"

"YES! He really needs your help!" She doesn't sound to convincing.

"My help? Kelly, what's going on? Is Jackson really hurt?"


"You're a lot like your dad."

"I'm not lying!" She stops and stomps her feet.

"Why are you giggling?" I cross my arms, tap my foot. "You know you shouldn't lie about someone getting hurt." I hear mumbling, and laughing? I try and look through the trees. "Kelly what's going on?"

"Uhh... I don't know..."

"Kelly?" She runs off, "Kelly what's going on?" I chase her through the trees.

"I'm not telling ~"

"Oh, you're definitely like your dad! You cheeky girl!"

She laughs keeps running, she runs out of the trees. I run out of the trees, can't see her. "Kelly? Where are you?"

I hear Marco laughing, "you made it-yoi."

"Made what?" He kneels, "Marco..."

"I want to make this official-yoi." He takes out a purple box opens it, the ring beautiful. "(Y/N) (L/N), will you do me the honour of becoming my wife-yoi?"

"Yes! Of course, I'll marry you!"

He stands, takes the ring out slides it on my finger. He kisses my hand, "my Phoenix-yoi."

"YAY!" We look up, see Kelly running away.

"Just like her father-yoi."

"That she is, haha."

"You hungry-yoi?"

"A little?"

He leads me through the trees, as we come out, people are cheering.

"Marco, what's happening?"

"It's our engagement party-yoi."

"Pardon? Engagement party? How long have you been planning this?"

"A while-yoi."

"The whole village in on it?" He smirks


He leads me to our table, that's at the front. Sara comes over with Kody, she hugs me. "Congratulations ~ I'm so happy for you. Can I?" She looks down to my hand. I show her, "it's beautiful (Y/N)."

"Thank you, I guess I'll have to start planning for a wedding now."

"I can help ~"

"Hahaha, you'll have to. You're going to be a bridesmaid of honour."

"Really? You want me? I mean of course!"

"Haha, good."

"What about me?" Kelly jumps around.

"You can be the flower girl."


Marco comes over, holds me by the waist.

"Koby starting to get restless, it's time for lunch." She walks off to feed.

Marco takes my hand, kisses it. "My beautiful fiancee-yoi."

"Hehe, Marco ~" We walk to our seat, he pulls mine out for me. "Thank you ~"

Everyone sits down, Davis taps his glass. Everyone looks over, "I'm going to keep this short." He clears his throat, "congratulations to the Phoenix!" He holds up his glass.

Everyone cheers, hold their glasses up. Davis sits down, Marco stands. "I want to thank everyone for helping me keep this a secret." He smirks, "also your hard work getting the island back to normal. Eat, drink have fun-yoi!"

Everyone cheers has a drink, starts getting get something to eat.

I stand up, "you're sneaky you know that."

He holds me, "it was hard. Try to organize everything-yoi."

"Why's that?" We walk over to get a plate.

"You're a good organiser. You organised the centre, my office. Of course, I would want your help-yoi."

"Who wouldn't, haha."


It was now early afternoon, everyone was getting drunk. "Do you need another drink, my fiancee-yoi?"

"Only find you're having one ~" He gets us another drink, comes back. "Thank you ~"

"Your welcome-yoi."

I hold my drink, lean on him. "I can't tell you how happy I've been over the past year."

"Me too-yoi," he kisses my head.

"My life has gotten so much better being with you. I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Being a phoenix makes it even better now."

"We're fire and ice, we work well together-yoi."

I kiss him, "that we do." I watch every dancing. "Why don't you ever dance?"

"You want to dance-yoi?"

"That's why I asked, hehe."

He takes my drink places it on the table. Takes my hand and leads me to the floor. The music changes to slow dance. "Better-yoi?"

"Yes," rest my head on his chest. My life is perfect.


Now getting late, people are starting to pack a few things away. Only a few tables and chairs are left. Davis has left help Sara put Kelly and Kody to bed. I'll be surprised if he comes back.

"You ready to head home-yoi ~"

"I can be ~"

He takes my hand we sneak out. Leaving everyone to drink and dance.

"Shouldn't we stay to the end?"

"It's our party we can do what we want-yoi."

We make our way back home ~

Rise From The Ashes - Marco x Reader (One Piece)Where stories live. Discover now