Chapter 1: Reki Got Tricked Thrice

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the SK8 THE INFINITY characters nor do I own SK8 THE INFINITY itself.


Chapter 1: Reki Got Tricked Thrice

"You bastard! You tricked me!"

Reki furiously threw the nearest things to him at the man who was standing a few steps away from him. The soft and fluffy pillows that Reki threw was easily avoided by the man.

"Screw you!" Reki shouted. His face turning red, as well as his neck. "If only I had known you're real intention, I should have said no to your suggestion!"

"Exactly. If I did tell you where we're going, you'll surely say no." The man started to step his feet forward. "Unless you want me to kidnap you just to bring you back here."

Reki glared at the man.

"Isn't this kidnapping?!"

Tadashi chuckled that made Reki blink more than twice. A few seconds after, Reki widened his eyes in shock.

"How suprising," Reki said. He pulled the blanket away from his body and moved forward Tadashi, who was sitting on the same bed where he was.

Reki cupped Tadashi's face.

"You really look more handsome when you smile."

As Reki stared at Tadashi's lazy looking eyes, he felt like he was being drowned by the latter's eyes. Reki slightly tilted his head and blinked.

Reki pinched Tadashi's cheeks and stretched them.

"Why are you so handsome?!" he said, almost shouting.

Tadashi didn't say anything nor has he intended to stop Reki for doing whatever he wants to do and say whatever he feels like to say. Tadashi just stared at the young man before him.

"How could you look so young when you're clearly older than me," Reki pouted.

"Maybe if you stop acting like the world's against you, you might look younger than how you must be."

Tadashi raised his left hand and ruffled Reki's hair. As the latter let go of Tadashi's cheeks, Reki closed his eyes tightly for a second. When he opened his eyes back, Reki yet again stared at Tadashi's lazy eyes.

"You're treating me as a kid," Reki said, referring to Tadashi ruffling his hair.

"As a kid? Are you sure you're certain I'm not treating you like a dog?"

Those playful words made Reki glare at Tadashi. The latter once again ruffled the younger's soft red hair.

"Let's go."

"To where?" Reki asked. He looked at Tadashi confusedly.

"We're eating outside," Tadashi answered.

Reki blinked. "That's unexpected."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you'll be cooking our dinner tonight like you usually do. You don't like eating dinner outside because you think dinner time is for the whole family to spend together. So what made you change your mind?"

Tadashi shrugged his shoulders.

"I just feel like doing so."

Reki stared at him without blinking. Tadashi stared back at Reki with his lazy looking eyes.

"What? Are you waiting for me to give you an explanation as long as the eiffel tower?" Tadashi said in a monotone.

"Tss," Reki hissed.

He stood from the bed and walked towards the closet inside the bedroom where the two of them were.

Tadashi's mouth curved up when he realized what was Reki about to do. He turned around and started walking towards the bedroom's door.

When Reki heard the door closed, he reflexively looked at the direction where the door at. Reki hissed yet again.

"He didn't even say goodbye," he mumbled.

An hour later, Reki found himself inside a familiar restaurant. Reki slapped his forehead upon realizing something.

"You tricked me again." Reki gritted his teeth.

"I did not," Tadashi replied. He walks towards the counter.

Reki who was left near the restaurant's door glared at Tadashi's back. It didn't take long before he calmed himself down. Reki roamed his eyes around and just noticed that the restaurant has plenty of costumers.

Reki also just realized that the restaurant seems to be bigger than before. Reki sighed. He decided to look for a vacant table but he had a hard time looking for one.

It seems to him that there's no vacant table at all.

Reki sighed yet again.

At that exact moment, he just hoped nothing will go wrong while they were eating at that restaurant. 

His shoulders were down as he approached Tadashi who was still at the counter. He tried to relax but failed. Although he looked calm, it was only on the surface.

"Calm down, Reki. We're not really eating here so we'll not be staying here for too long. You don't have to be worried of being seen by them." Tadashi reassured Reki.

Reki's worries vanished upon hearing what Tadashi said. He felt relaxed amd was relieved. He immediately urged Tadashi to order faster and so they can go out the restaurant already.

Tadashi couldn't help but chuckle to see Reki's behavior. He knew Reki would act this way if he'll tell him where he wants them to eat. Tadashi was even certain that Reki will say no if he really did mention the name of the restaurant.

Hence Tadashi decided not to do so.

Tadashi wants to bring Reki to one more place and like what he did twice already, he didn't tell Reki where.

When they already got their take-outs, Tadashi told Reki he wants to bring him somewhere. Reki didn't say anything. He didn't refuse nor did he say yes.

Tadashi glanced at the young man who was sitting on the passenger seat. He saw the latter looking outside the window. Tadashi even noticed that Reki was in deep thought. The former heaved a sigh and didn't disturb Reki and just focused his attention on the road.

The ride was silent but it wasn't awkward at all. No one talked nor one of them had the intention to speak.

It was not until the car passed a certain big gate when the silence inside the car was broken.

"You planned this, didn't you?"

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