Are we back at it again?

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Life has given me a few talents; the ability to be invisible, the luxury of observation, and a gigantic penis. Only one is an exaggeration.
Being invisible is less about being not visible, and more about being less visible. It's stepping out of the way before anyone notices. It's slowing your breathing to blend in with the space around you. You are nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Observation is much more simple. It's really looking hard at what is going on. Perhaps this is less a talent, and more a consequence of being socially awkward, but bored. Frankly, I'm not even that good at it.
And finally, having a large penis makes me a better person. That's what the ads tell me anyways. So sorry to the rest of yall. (I know some of yall don't even have one...)
Life has given me so much, so here I am writing a wattpad dedication. It is only fitting.

Why does this happen to me..

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