Youngest Prince

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King Cosmo's POV

"I propose a marriage treaty to be made between Crimson clan and Cerulea to mend the conflict that has erupted because of my own subjects" the messenger started, reading from a paper scroll with red knobs.

The light of the candles making the writing of my old friend, King Azure, visible through the thin and delicate paper.

"I request for the youngest royal from Crimson clan to wed with my eldest son, nineteen years of age, Prince Indigo Laurent Dormer if King Cosmo so agrees to move forth with the Marriage treaty. My family and I present an invitation to our palace in Cerulea, we patiently await your presence on the final day of the month, before the last leaf falls from the tree to settle the Marriage treaty, with love, King Azure Dormer of Kingdom Cerulea" he finished, closing the scroll and bowing to signify the end of the king's message.

I thank the messenger with a smile and dismiss him with a wave of my hand.

I was shocked when one of my subjects entered the palace in the middle of the night, almost at the crack of dawn, clutching his shoulder as blood trickled down to the hardwood floors.

I was even more surprised to learn the fact that a hunter from Cerulea was the cause of his injury.

From the fear of my subjects being hunted down by the humans, and once again shunned from the kingdoms, I immediately waged a war without thought.

But now that everything has settled, and a few nights have passed by, I have thought about many solutions that would mend this rift, and this has been the most acceptable one I have heard about.

Did they think that I had a daughter? Or did they know that I had only two children that were men?

Queen Oceana was there for the birth of Callisto as she and my late wife were the best of friends, so she must know that he is born a man.

Nonetheless, I would love to accept their proposal but I still need to hear from Callisto if he is willing to marry the son of Azure.

I look up at Callisto, his blond hair shone against the dim light emitted by the candelabras as he ate his meal with his head slightly tilted down towards his plate.

He would usually tell stories upon stories about the day that he had outside the castle, true and faux alike, but today the dinner table was silent, not even a word from my other son, Caerus, who would go with whatever grand story Callisto was recounting.

"Do you want to go on with the marriage treaty, Callisto?" were the words that circled my thoughts and came out to form a question that I asked my youngest son.

He looked up to meet my eyes, a familiar malicious glint in his grey ones.

A smirk was plastered on his face.

"I would love to accept their invitation, father" he mused, replacing his smirk with a condescending smile.

I've taken care of Callisto his whole eighteen thousand years of life on this planet, and I knew what he meant by his expressions.

"Prince Indigo is not someone to toy with, Callisto" My son had been somewhat of a charmer all throughout his life.

Every street he passed, a kind maiden, or a noble young man would fall for him, and when they did, he would crush their heart into dust.

I do not know what lead Callisto to behave in such a way.

His brother had never been like this, in his life, he only had love for one, his soulmate.

But sadly, she is a mortal, and most do not live until a hundred. Young Ciel only lived until forty-eight.

I would imagine that Callisto would have already found his soulmate, but alas, there is no more room for hope.

People and creatures alike reprimanded me for his behavior, but no matter how many times I talk to him, he never changed.

"I am well aware of that, Father" he said, charming me with the smile he had since he was a child, bright and full of innocent joy.

Though I'll assume that his joy is no longer innocent, now that he is, more than a thousand years old.

"I will be more than glad to agree with the treaty and accept king Azure's invitation" he continued, his words yielding sincerity.

It's a pity that Vampires could not read fellow vampires, for if it were possible, I would have invaded my son's mind right from the beginning of this conversation.

"And you are absolutely sure with this?" I ask, a final time.

"Of course father" he replied, placing his fork beside his spoon.

"Now if you will excuse me, I must prepare the clothes I will be wearing for when I meet my husband" he added as he picked up his satchel and gracefully slipped away from his chair, turning to smile at his brother.

"What can I do about you brother, Caerus?" I said, mild frustration apparent in my tone.

I trusted my son with my whole heart.

He never did anything that was morally wrong.

Except for breaking hearts.

And that was what I feared.

Now that he has agreed to this marriage treaty, there will be no escape except for when prince Indigo passes, which will not be for a very long time, but since he is a mortal, I do expect it to happen, just like what did with Caerus's maiden.

I am fearful that Callisto will break Indigo's heart as he is not very careful with them.

"I trust Callisto, Father" came Caerus's voice.

"I know that he will do the right thing for our clan and treat Prince Indigo with love and care" he added "Callisto is old enough to know what's right and wrong, please put some trust in him as well" Caerus smiled, a delicate one that reminded me of his mother.

Out of our whole family, or what is left of it, Caerus had always been the most sensible.

He has always been a good brother and a good son and I'm sure that he will be a great substitute to me once I step down from my position.

The manor walls darkened as the red sun began to set, its last minutes of light entering through the stained windows allowing a red glow to cast upon the inside of the manor.

I know Callisto will be a great husband, even if it was solely based on a treaty.

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