Chapter Elleven <3
Hey Guys! I Hope You Are Liking The Story So Far . Im Not Really A Good Writer But I Try . :/ Its My First One Direction Fanfic ! :D I Dont Know Why But I Just Got In A 1D Kick . I Love You Guys And Ill Keep Writting If You Think Its Good Enough! PLease Comment What You Think! :D
Its been over a month since i left . Tomorrow is the first day back to school from Summer Break . Ill be in 10 grade! This is going to get a little challenging . But i know since i have Liam , Harry , Louis , Zayn , and Niall by my side , over text , ill be fine . PLus i also have Perrie and Elanoure . I have them too . They are like my sisters now . We have really gotten along even more . I couldn't bare to think what will happen at school tomorrow . Would I get more hate or will I become 'popular' ? This was eating me alive . I knew since then , I would have a different life than what I already had . This is going to be unreal! I got in the shower , texted Hannah , and went straight to bed .
The next morning I got woken up around 5: 30 by Harry .
Harry: 'Good morning sun shine . Hope you have a lovey first day of school .'
Me: ' Good morning . I hope I will too... '
Harry: ' What's wrong about that ?'
Me: ' I'm just afraid .'
Harry: ' Afraid of what babe ?'
Me: ' I'm jus afraid that my life will never be the same since then .'
Harry : ' Why do you mean?'
Me: ' I just don't want any hate . I might get hate over all of this or I might get 'popular' from it . I don't want either of them . I just hope my life will probably be the same . '
Harry : ' Well I hope it will . I'm always here for you and so is all of the other boys .'
Me : ' Thanks . Well I got to go . I have to get ready . Ill text you in a bit :) '
I sat my phone down and got out of bed . I put on Harry's shirt that I kept an some skinny jeans . I tucked in his shirt and put on a brown braided belt with some brown Ugg boots . I threw my curly long hair back in a head band. I grabbed all of the new school supplies that I needed and my purse . I told my Mom goodbye and catches the bus to school . When I got on the bus , everyone just stopped and stated. Some even gasped when I stepped foot on the his. I walked all the way back to my assigned seat that I shared with my friend Samantha but I called her Sammi for short. I sat next to her and she gave me the biggest hug I have received since I was with Harry and the boys.
"Dud! I missed you so much!" She yelled making everyone stare at us even longer .
"I missed you too ." I said with a bog smile on my face as my phone went off . Sammi was prolly the only in Ethan doesn't know about all of this . She's not a big One Direction fan like other people . She pulled back from our hug and I reached in my purse and pulled out my phone . Everyone on the bus wet back to there loud conversations . It wasn't a text message , it was a call from Louis .
"Hello?" I answered trying to be quiet.
"Hey love . "
"Yea? What did u call for?"

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)
FanfictionTaylor And Hannah Have Been Friends For Ever And They Have The Same Interests As Each Other . They Were Obsessed With One Direction . Taylor Got One Direction Tickets One Summer Break For Her Birthday . She Took Hannah And They Went . But That Same...