Chapter Thirty Five <3
So To the right is a girl and Harry .. Yea this is Felicity and she is so pretty! This was Harry's Ex . Girlfriend . They were so cute! X.x
Harry's P.O.V
"No . No!" I screamed as i saw Taylor slowly close her eyes as her heart raite went from repeated 'Beep's , To one long simple 'Beep .' I got up and started to walk to her but the other boy's had made me sit down .
"It Will be fiine ." The nurse said as Taylor's long 'Beep' Went to many different 'Beeps's ' . I sat down i releave as we arrived at the hopital . They took her in admediatly and we waited in the waiting room.
"I wanna kill that kid ." Zayn said as his anger was trying to over power his body .
"Who would do such a thing!?" I stated as i let a tear fall . I cant believe i left Taylor with those two . I had a feeling that something would happen so i sent Niall back to check on her . Im so furious that i could straight up kill him with a knife .
"Him ." Is all Louis said before the nurse came out to us .
"She is still awake . She will be out of the hospital in most likley a week . She smiled as we all got up and started to walk to her room . Forget walking , i straight up ran to her room . I burst throught the door and saw her , laying in bed , her nees pulled up to her face .
"Taylor ." I said as i ran over to her .
"Harry ?" She asked as she slowly lifted her head up .
"Who did this to you?" I said still confused about this whole night .
"T-Tanner ." She said shakley .
"Will you tell me what happened?"
"W- well , I was standing on the stair case as he pulled a knife out on me and backed me up all the way into Carter's room .. And .. And .." She started to cry hard .
"Shh . He gone . It's going to be ok from now on ." I said .
"And he raped me ." She whispered as if no one knew about it but me and her .
"He took ..?" I asked as she knew what i was talking about .
"Yea ." She grabbed me and pulled me into her as i wrapped my arms around her waist .
"I Love you ." She added .
"I will always love you too ." I said as i held her in my arms the rest of the night till she fell asleep .
"Mrs . Styles?" A voice asked me as i woke up . Mrs. Styles? Ok ?
"Yea . " I Mumbled as i saw her smiling down at me .
"You ready to get outa here?" Its been a week already? Wow . Time goes by so fast .
"Uh .. Oh . Yea ." I said pulling myself out of bed as she unhooked my blood line and stuff . I rubbed my eyes as i walked out the door to see five most amazing boys that ever entered my life . I ran over to Harry as i jumped in his arms .
"Lets go home . Carter misses you so much ." He whispered as Niall and Zayn checked me out and me , Harry , Liam , and Louis went back to the car . I got in the back with Harry and Loiam as Louis drived and Zayn squeezed in with us and Niall sat shotgun . The whole car ride back home was Harry going through twitter and showing me pictures he popes up .
"I love you giggle ." He said as he kissed me . We got home and all i saw was Danielle holding Carter's hand as we pulled up . Carter looked like he was going to bounce to the moon because how happy he was . I got out holding Harry's hand as Carter came up to me and wrapped his small aroms around my legs . I bent down and picked him up walking in the house .

You Are My Summer Love . (Part 1)
FanfictionTaylor And Hannah Have Been Friends For Ever And They Have The Same Interests As Each Other . They Were Obsessed With One Direction . Taylor Got One Direction Tickets One Summer Break For Her Birthday . She Took Hannah And They Went . But That Same...