Chapter Seventeen -- Uneditted--

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 I really don't know how to fix this formatting issue where words are getting cut off. If anyone else has experienced this, please let me know how to fix this. 

On another note.

Please, please, please, please, please... RESPECT each other's opinion. Recognize that not everyone will not have your opinion and won't always like what you like. Opinions do not hurt my feelings. Being dragged into fights on my feed, however, sucks.

Please don't start or participate in arguements on my comments pages. All opinions, questions, commentary, criticisms are welcome on this story. I know this needs a lot of polishing and I welcome all comments questions and concerns.

If there is something you would like to say, but think it would create issues, feel free to contact me via private messenger. 

Now that that's over.... Onto the small chapter.

To be honest, I was going to wait to upload this, but it has been a long time and I know you all are growing restless. Thanks for sticking by these ridiculously long waiting periods.

 Thanks for sticking by these ridiculously long waiting periods

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Thank you BlazeShira for this picture!

The next few weeks were very quiet. 

Mikko had nowhere to go. He wasn't required to put out any of the fires in there werewolf world. He was just there for his children, and it was amazing to watch my children interact with their father. 

We hadn't gone on any other dates, but we spent the days together raising our children like a real family.

There were definitely times where Mikko was distant, but he wasn't like he used to be.

Around other wolves, the hardened exterior came out. Whenever he knew the house was being patrolled, he would act a bit different. It was as though he didn't trust anyone to know how he felt about his family. 

I had a feeling it was because of JJ. I talked with him via email. We weren't anything more than old friends reconnecting.

I knew they were all coming back soon. I could feel it in the darkened cloud that was coming for us. It wasn't going to be long until something happened, which made sleep hard to come by.

I heard the sounds of a piano softly echoing through the house. I pushed myself up onto my elbow and squinted my eyes at the glow of the digital clock on my bedside table. 4:00am. 

I scooted out of bed and threw on my robe. With this pregnancy, I was always hot. I slept in shorts pajamas and cami tanks. That wasn't what I wanted to be spotted in. The robe went down to my calved and was silky, so the heat I gave off wasn't trapped and causing me to feel stuff.

I pushed open my door and didn't try to sneak towards the music. I double checked the door to the nursery to insure that it was closer. I din't want the babies to wake up. They were just starting to sleep through the night without interruption. 

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