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My mom 𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑑 giving birth to me so I never knew her but I always knew that's why my dad hated me. My dad never talks to me unless were in an argument. I've seen my mom in pictures she's beautiful how could he not hate me.

I knew my dad did bad things to provide a living for us but I never knew that they were this bad. I've always tried to help out by getting a job but he didn't care.He always went back to his old ways.

      I told him his ways would catch up to him. He would travel everywhere just to rob places and would be on the run for months.The cops we're never involved because the people he robbed where bad to.

           He would usually rob gangs. I never thought he had the balls to rob a mafia or even be that stupid. He made me move out at 17. Luckily my mom had a college found for me that my dad couldn't touch because she knew if he could  he would take it.

My mom knew that my dad was bad before I was born. She still loved him though. But of course I'm 20 now but I still visit my dad on the weekends. I've always had one friend ever since I was little. We do everything together. Her name is Engel she's 21.

Shes a couple of months older than me.
But not mature at all. She made me get out of my shell. It's just me and her vs the world.

We even go to the same college and stay in the same apartment I love her she's been there for me even when nobody was not even my dad. I thought my dad stopped robbing. But of course he didn't.

It all started when I came to visit my dad for the weekend. I had left my phone but I had already told my dad I was coming over so he was expecting me so it didn't really matter."Hey dad" I said "hey baby girl" he said
I realize he put up a new picture that looked expensive.

" where did you get this" I asked "I got it from a old friend" he said I always knew when my dad was lying "Okay it looks nice" I said "thanks baby girl" I get he is trying to be a better father but you can't be better by lying to me.

I walk to the kitchen to go get snacks for the movie when I hear someone at the door. I call out for my dad and he doesn't respond so I thought it was a package so ignore the door and continue what I'm doing.
My dad comes in the kitchen "someone's at the door dad" I said "hide"he yelled as soon as he says that The door burst open and my dad was shot. Where he was shot he couldn't have died.

I screamed but as soon as I did that I covered my mouth. I see five men dressed in suits they had to be rich. Not going lie they weren't ugly. I hear one say something in Italian soon after that I blacked out

ℍ𝕖𝕪 𝕘𝕦𝕪𝕤! Can you guys give me some tips and tell me if you like the story 🤍

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