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I woke up in a room tied to a chair and forgot what happened. Then it hit me I started to cry silently so nobody would hear me. I try to untie my self as I'm thinking of a escape plan.
Then I hear some people taking "what do you want me to with her boss?" The man said " Torture her until she tells us where it is" he said I assumed he was the boss "okay boss" he said

I stop then started back untying myself faster "fuck" I screamed from the ropes being to tight then a man burst in "Great your awake" he said "Why wouldn't I be dumbass" I spat the man began to giggle and then punched me " not you being mad at me for pointing out your dumb asf" I said giggling "anyway why am I here?" I said seriously

As soon as I asked that another man came in "you may leave"he said "I hope your not a dumbass too" I said smirking. He had straight slicked back black hair he had the perfect body he was The definition of fine
"Your drooling luv' he said "anyway why am I here I suppose you know?" "Where is it" asked "what is it?" "I don't have anything to do with what my dad does"
" I guess we'll just kill you then" he yelled "ok" I muttered

"wait can I call my friend?" I said and he stared "sure" he said "thanks" I said before dialing her number "girl guess what you will not believe me this fine man kidnapped me and he about to kill me I love ya girl" I said laughing

"I was hoping I would be here for longer buttttt I guess not" I said frowning "times up" he said " you never said I had a time limit" I said yelling he grabbed me by my throat and whispered in my ear and said "tell where it is luv" he said "ok but that was hot"I said smirking

"you think this is a game?" He yelled "umm no?"I said he me sick just looking at him. I had to buy myself some time I finally was free I then tried to push him and run he didn't move so I ran "GET HER"he yelled
I spit on one of the guards to distract him I hopped over the gate and then dogs started chasing after me they were cute I ran into the Woods thinking I finally escaped and I slowed down and hid behind a log

And then heard "I own these woods no one will find you luv" he said his voice sounded close so I started back running then I seen a house and thanked god I I jumped into the backyard and to my surprise I seen A older couple sitting in the sun

"Can I go inside your house?" I said out of breath "hey son" they said waving I tried to run but I was yanked back and thrown over a shoulder "LET ME GO BITCH" and then he stuffed a rag in my mouth

I tried not to breath in the scent but soon I went to sleep

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