Chapter 2

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Midoriya sighed, gazing at the blonde lying in front of him. This guy passes out quickly. He turned to the bed he was leaning against. It would be a lot more comfortable than the floor, which was partially the reason why he wanted to let Kacchan sleep there. The other part of the reason he wasn't quite ready to inwardly reveal to himself. But, his stubbornness prevails once more and here they were. Midoriya considered sleeping on the bed anyway, he had spited Kacchan already. He seemed surprised Midoriya refused one of his demands in such a stubborn manner. Midoriya chuckled, remembering the shock that crossed the blonde's face for a split second. After the attack with the sludge villain, Midoriya had been changing, both physically and mentally, with the help of pro hero All Might. Change was expected if he wanted to be able to handle his newly gained quirk, One For All. He was more willing to stand up to Bakugou now, but really he knew the boy was too tired to react. He sighed and leaned his head against the bed, his eyes turned to the ceiling. He never noticed before, but glow-in-the-dark stars still littered Kacchan's ceiling, the same ones from when they were much younger. The thought of Kacchan hanging onto nostalgia made him smile, even though the more likely reason was that he had never gotten around to taking them down. Midoriya sighed and reached for his phone. Despite it being so late, he wasn't tired in the slightest. He tapped on his phone and began to scroll through hero blogs and before he knew it, it was about 3 in the morning. I really should go to sleep. Bakugou had begun to stir and mumble in his sleep, stealing Midoriya's focus. Midoriya glanced up curiously at him. Hesitantly, he leaned forward on his knees so he could try to hear what his friend might be saying. He only heard a few lines of inaudible speech, nothing very interesting. He stared at his friend's face, expressionless and serene, only being disrupted by the subtle twitches of his eyebrows. Kacchan really did look beautiful when he wasn't hiding behind a mask of anger. Midoriya hovered over the boy longer, gazing in awe at the rare sight. He was so close, he could move down a few inches more and kiss him, not that he would, Kacchan would blow his head off of his shoulders. Not that he even wanted to kiss Kacchan, it was just an idle thought that slipped in his mind. Midoriya sighed and was about to lean back, but was interrupted when Bakugou's breath caught in his throat and he released a loud snore, waking himself from his tranquil slumber. Bakugo gazed ahead, not fully aware of the mass of green hair above him. Midoriya gazed back into the crimson eyes, frozen from fear and not sure what to do. Bakugou only stared ahead, visibly confused, and his brows furrowed deeper with realization. 

     "Oi, what the hell are you doing, Deku?" He launched himself forward, knocking his forehead into Midoriya's face. Midoriya fell back against the edge of the bed, vision filled with static from the harsh impact. Bakugou stood, rubbing the center of his forehead, and glowered down at the boy. "What were you even doing, so close like that?" His scowl deepened, attempting to hide his betraying blush. "And why are you still up?" 

     Midoriya, still trying to compose himself, slid himself closer to the edge of the bed, allowing himself to sit straighter. "I, uh, well," he began to fidget with his hands, unsure of how to respond. The blonde stood, unmoving, and it was clear he wouldn't until he got an answer. "Well, I couldn't sleep so I just sat up on my phone, and then you started, um, talking, I guess, in your sleep, and I was bored so I leaned over to try to hear what you were saying and then- yea. I really am sorry, Kacchan, I didn't-," embarrassment painted Midoriya's face red. To his surprise, Bakugou only rolled his eyes and tilted his hips, averting his gaze elsewhere. Midoriya stared dumbstruck at his usually ill-tempered friend, and in the moonlight, he thought he saw his face flush pink. 

     "Tch, whatever, nerd. Just go to sleep. I gotta take a piss." Midoriya, still wide-eyed, listened as Bakugou's footsteps pounded down the hall. His heartbeat relaxed when he heard the bathroom door clamp shut. He stood, testing his stability from the blow. Once satisfied, he picked up his phone, sat on the edge of the bed, and continued scrolling. He didn't even notice when Bakugou reentered the room, making him jump when he reached down and snatched the phone from his hands. 

     "I told you to go to sleep," Bakugou scolded, walking over to his previous resting spot and sat down, crossing his legs. He looked down at the stolen phone and began to scroll. "Hero blogs, huh. You're such a nerd." Midoriya relaxed his demeanor and chuckled in response. 

     "Jesus, even your history is nerdy." Bakugou was beginning to grin mischievously now. 

     "M-my history-," Midoriya stammered. 

     Bakugou scoffed, "A lot of porn here, damn. You really should clean this out once in a while." 

     Midoriya stiffened and blushed. He let his eyes wander until they settled on the nightstand, where Kacchan placed his phone. Midoriya smirked and glanced once more at Bakugou, still studying the contents of the device before him. He slowly pushed himself forward and snatched the black slab off of the end table. Still unknowing, Bakugou continued to scroll. Midoriya discreetly tucked the phone between his chest and knees and powered it on, glancing down. He tapped into the web browser and guided himself to the history tab, where he himself began to read and scroll. There were random searches like those asking about an actor who played in what movie, and of course casual searches of porn, but the most surprising was how many links to fanfiction sites were used. He didn't take his friend as the romantic type. 

     "You search the weirdest things, Deku. Like 'words rhyming with small' and 'metaphors for crushes'. What's up with that?" 

     Midoriya quickly tapped the phone into rest mode and dropped it against his stomach. "Uh, what. Oh, yea. Um." Midoriya paused, trying to find a way not to completely expose himself to his friend. "Uh, for an essay?" Midoriya's tone was so questionable, not even he believed himself.

      Bakugou, looking skeptical, chuckled aloud. "Uh huh, and was this essay on rhyme schemes or something?" 

     Midoriya sighed and blushed slightly. "Fine. I uh, write poetry," he mumbled. Bakugou smirked and leaned forward to hand Midoriya his phone. He glanced up and took it dutifully, refusing to meet his friend's gaze. Bakugou stood, walking to the other side of his bed and settling on the corner with his legs crossed. 

     "Well. Read me some." Midoriya snapped his head around in surprise, only to be met with a sincere, crimson gaze. Kacchan was being serious and he didn't look condescending at all. Midoriya felt a hint of pride well up in him and he turned around to face him. He looked down to tap in his notes app, noticing he still had Kacchan's phone. He reached down and picked up the second phone from his lap, revealing it to his friend. Bakugou glared and snatched the device from the boy's hand, clicking it on to see how much had been exposed. 

     "I didn't see much, nothing very interesting," Midoriya said, relieving his friend's embarrassment. "Though I didn't take you as one to read fanfic." Bakugou dropped his phone and glared at his lap, trying to conceal his embarrassment. 

     He glanced up at Midoriya who was scrolling endlessly through his phone. "Well, go on." He was growing impatient. 

     "Huh? Oh yea. Gimme a sec. I want to find a good one." Midoriya felt the panic begin to rise in his chest. It wasn't that he was insecure about his writing ability, he wasn't Shakespeare, but he thought he was decent enough. It was the fact that all he wrote was romantic poems. About a specific hot head that was sitting right beside him. Since he couldn't express his feelings aloud without getting cursed at, he found other ways to cope with unrequited love. Love, he thought, was such a strong word, but yet, as he stole a glance up from his phone to gaze into his friend's crimson eyes, he was overwhelmed by it. He sighed, dropping his gaze back to the screen. "I think I found a decent one." 

     "Alright. Read." Bakugou's face remained cynical, not showing condescension nor curiosity. Midoriya inhaled and exhaled slowly.

A/N: So I write my stories as one giant block in a Google Doc and then copy/paste it and format it here, so if the chapter sizes are dramatically different, that's why. I don't really separate the story, just write the thing.

Also, Bakugo is a sentimentalist, I love it.

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