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*part 2 is up on my Tumblr: severelytalentless*

Laying in his arms is your favorite place to be. He's solid and warm and you feel so safe with him. He makes you feel like such a treasure, squeezing you tightly to his chest. You nuzzle into his fuzzy chest hair.

"I never wanna let you go." He breaths.

"You don't have to."

You're tired from a long day and sleep soon takes you both.

You are woken abruptly by Yuuji's hands exploring your body. He does this sometimes in his sleep and you're used to it. Usually you can nudge him awake and he is quick to apologize and give you some space.

Other times, you like to take advantage of the situation if you're in the mood for a little midnight snack.

But tonight, you have an uncomfortable tightness in your abdomen. You know the feeling and you sigh in frustration. It's a guarantee that you're about to get your period.

You grumble to yourself, tossing around trying to get comfortable. It's hopeless and the cramps are starting to intensify.

Meanwhile, Yuuji is spooning you, continuing to grope at your hips and breasts like a horny zombie. You've had enough. It's time for a painkiller and a preemptive tampon so as not to bloody the sheets overnight.

You nudge Yuuji to wake him up and get him off of you, but he isn't budging. He moans and grabs at your butt, kneading and spreading your cheeks.

Any other night, this might have gotten you going, but tonight you're just not in the mood. You grab both his hands and pry them away from your body.

In a split second, he snatches his hands out of yours, and has you tightly by the wrists behind your back.

You're frozen in shock.
Is he awake?
He never moves like that when he's asleep. It's always gentle, maybe a bit needy, but this is more than that.

You begin to struggle and voice your frustration,

"Yuuji get off! Please, I have to go to the bathroom."

No answer. No release. He tightens his grip.

"Yuuji stop. That hurts. Stop messing around, this isn't funny!"

You shove your body back into him trying to get him to wake up and snap out of it.

He groans behind you.
Something's not right.
You feel his breath on your neck and goosebumps wash down your back.

"But you smell so good right now..."

Oh shit.

That's not Yuuji.

The room is dark except for the soft red light coming off the fan in the corner. But you don't need to see to know he's switched out.

You're mind races on what to do next. Should I yell for help? You doubt the neighbors will hear you. Even if they did, what kind of help could they be against the king of curses?

"There's really nothing you can do at this point, is there honey?" the voice behind you is deep and mocking, confirming that your boyfriend is no longer present.

"Please Sukuna. I have to use the bathroom, I -" you begin to request release as calmly as you can but he interrupts,

"Oh I know you do. And I know why. I can smell it." You can hear the grin on his face. He pushes his nose into your hair and inhales deeply. It makes you shiver. "You don't need to worry, I'll take care of that for you..." he hissed into your ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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