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''Looks like someone has a secret admirer.....'' Mickey said holding daisies in her hands. I close my bag and check in the drawers to see if I am not leaving anything behind. To be honest I can't wait to get back to my apartment and have some REAL FOOD cause hospital food tastes like cardboard. Truth is not only do I need some tasty food I just wanna get back to my apartment and be alone with my thoughts maybe then I would remember what the fuck happened to me.

''Hey Mickey..... What are you on about???'' I ask with my eyebrow raised. She moved closer to the bed and placed the flowers next to a glass of water on the small table next to my bed. She gives me a quick hug and sits down. " The receptionist said someone brought these for you.... Oh look there is a card... Read it.... Read it" she said jumping up and down. Why is she so energetic???? Must be some good weed. I reluctantly took the card and read out loud... "Get well soon my love... What the hell???? Mickey am I in some kind of a relationship or something? cause I don't remember ever being in one"

Mickey started laughing and I joined her not because I found it funny that someone called me 'my love' but because someone out there thinks we are in a relationship. "Let us get going before the doctor changes her mind about discharging your stupid ass." Mickey remarked.

"Bitch don't jinx it... Let's bounce"

The ride home was filled with us singing along terribly to Cici and the uber driver getting a headache from our amazingly terrible singing. When we got home we decided to order some pizza and watch movies. Later my Mom came over and cooked us dinner then after eating she left and I went to bed.


Knock....knock. I place my mascara down and went to open my bedroom door. "Wow you are already dressed. Breakfast is ready and you have some guests." Mickey said.. It is too early to be having guests. "Okay I will be there in a sec." I said going back to applying my mascara and lipstick. I made my way to the kitchen. A man was standing by the counter and his back was facing me. I could not quite see who it was and when he turned around I nearly fainted.

"Mr Gwaze what are you doing here?" I asked cause this was not what I expected. Wait.... how does he know where I live? He walked towards me and held my face with his big rough hands. Okay this... you see this right here is super weird. He moved his thumb to my lips and traced it along my bottom lip. He brought his forehead to mine and closed his eyes inhaling deeply... Okay what is happening right now??? Before I could think or say anything he pulled me into a hug and held me tightly. He then sniffed my hair and said " I am so sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm so sorry my love.. I can't afford to lose you. I need you. We need you." I pulled away and stepped back. I looked over at Mickey who was also looking at me dumbfounded but she did not hear what Mr Gwaze said cause he was whispering.

"I came to check if you were okay. I heard what happened to you and I guess I didn't know how to react.. Sorry for hugging you the thing is my daughters are the same age as you so I guess I reacted to you the same way I would've reacted to them if the same thing that happened to you happened to them. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Are you okay though?" he said. As weird as it is It's kinda nice to have someone worry about me even though it is definitely creepy for him to know where I live without me telling him but I really do appreciate his concern.

"It is okay Mr Gwaze. I appreciate you stopping by. And yes I am fine now. Have a lovely day Sir and I will see you in class." and with that being said I turned on my heels about to go to my room when he said "This is for you" I turned around and he handed me a gift bag. I mumbled a quick thank you and made my way back to my room. I opened the gift bag and my jaw dropped. There were scented candles, bath salts , body lotion , shampoo , face cloth , towels , rubber duck and a purple teddy bear. I know what you are thinking what's so jaw dropping about those things?!!!! Let me tell you this he bought my favourite scented candles , the very exact same shampoo , bath salts and body lotion that I use. The towel was also the same as the one I was using. What the actual fuck? And the purple teddy bear was exactly the same as the one in the picture on my dresser. What the hell???? This is high key creepy. And also what was he thinking when he bought these things? Was he imaging me using them? Ohh my gosh!!! This guy is insane... I mean who buys their student stuff like this ??? What the hell man!!!

"Michealla come here!!!!!!" My voice boomed. A few seconds later Mickey dashed into my room with a broom in her hand saying "where is the fire???" This girl is so dramatic. Her eyes landed on the essentials that were on my bed and she examined them. Shook took over her face when she noticed the same thing as I did.

"What the hell dude.... This shit is scary as fuck. Did you by any chance tell hi.... Oh my God and the teddy bear... You better have an explanation for this cause right now I am sensing a lot of red flags." Mickey finally said.

"Maybe it is just a coincidence, let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill." I said shrugging as if it meant nothing. But deep down I knew this is not a coincidence. How the hell did he know??? To be honest I am freaking out but I don't wanna show Mickey. Maybe I should let it slide for now. Mickey's phone started ringing and she got out of my room answering it.

I took the things and placed the teddy bear on my bed and the other essentials in the bathroom. I heard the doorbell ring and grabbed my bag with my books and headed to the door. I opened it and it was Anthony and Tracy. To be honest I don't have the strength to argue with Tracy.

"Hey Luc... how are you feeling?" Anthony said avoiding eye contact. "I am fine. I don't mean to be rude but I was actually on my way out so can y'all come back later." I said glancing at my watch and noticing I have fifteen minutes to get to class.

"We weren't planning on staying anyway, I came to bring your purse. And Lucy.... I don't wanna see your lying ass ever again. What you are trying to do to Dave is low even for you. Are you that desperate for a boyfriend to even lie about him like that ? You deserve a VIP table in hell. I have already blocked you on social media and deleted your number from my phone. I really thought I knew you Lucy. You are so evil." Anthony said. What the.....

"I wish I had time to stay here and understand what you're on about but like I said I have to go.... so CIAO." I said grabbing my car keys AND made my way to campus.

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