Scene 4

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Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
On the way, we got stopped by a gaggle of giggling girls and one boy. They obviously wanted something but were to scared to ask for it. "Are you Zoe Spritz?" One of the braver ones questioned. I nodded. A squeal erupted from the group.

"Can we have a picture? If it's not any bother for you?" Another asked.

I nodded again. "Sure. I love meeting fans!"

One grabbed hold of Cyrus's arm and asked politely, "Could you please take a picture of us?" He nodded, the edges of his lips tilting up at the corners. She smiled and handed him her phone. They all gathered around me.

"Okay. You ready? One, two, three, tomato!" We all laughed and giggled. ", give me Vogue," Cyrus commanded like a real photographer. He snapped the picture. "Now I want fierce. Put your claws out ladies and gentleman!" He continued with this until we were all stumbling, we were laughing so hard.

He chuckled and handed the phone back to the girl. Instantly the rest of them gathered around her. "You have to send me all of these!" Each one squealed.

I smiled but then realized, "I don't know any of your names."

The girl who had first spoken, said, "I'm Eliza."
"Anthony." The boys face flushed when he introduced himself.

I grinned at each. "Well it was lovely to meet you, Eliza, Violet, Elisa, Lucia, Mason, and Anthony." They smiled and waved, talking amongst themselves.

I felt arms wind around my waist. A voice whispered in my ear, "You know you're adorable when you're not being bitch?" I turned around to face him...after I elbowed them in the ribs. I saw Cyrus clutching his side and groaning dramatically.

"What's with you and hurting people?" He questioned me, smacking right into a storefront window. I laughed and asked, "What's with you sneaking up on me?"

He stood up and winked. With a mumbled "Touché," he turned and just started to walk away. "Your brother got tired of waiting for you, so he headed to get us tickets."

As we walked to the cinema, Cyrus and I chatted. A lot. About everything. It started from the cliché awkward weather talk, to an argument about who was hotter, Liam Hemsworth or Liam Payne...I won. Liam Payne all the way baby!

When we finally arrived at the theatre, Cyrus grinned at me. "You wanna skip the film and keep walking around?" I smiled at him. It sounded awesome to me. We worked well together. Like sugar and strawberries. Sweet and sour. Light and shadow. Dean Winchester and Cas. Maple syrup and's a Maine thing.

He was easy to talk to. It was so tempting to go with his offer. To take a walk and just talk. However, my forever-annoying brother was waiting for us and I wanted to spend as much time as possible with him before he left. "Sorry Cyrus...It's just Derek, you know? He's waiting for us." Cyrus nodded and smiled, following me inside the cinema.

Derek was waiting for us by the concessions. He was already holding what looked like two large bags of popcorn, three large drinks, and enough candy to give a buffalo a heart attack. He was stumbling towards the entrance for the Big Hero 6.

Cyrus blinked at the header above the door. "Really?" He asked, not sounding not amused in the slightest. I glared at him and called to Derek. "You look like you could use some help!" He visibly relaxed before almost dropping everything onto the floor.

Cyrus and I rushed over and grabbed some of everything. We slowly made our way to the theatre and sat down in one of the middle rows. The three of us and the food took up around six seats.

I took inventory of the food. Three large popcorns, three large fountain drinks, large boxes of milk duds, sugar babies, junior mints, and almost every other concession stand candy. Also a box of fifty munchkin donuts from Dunkin.

I sat between Derek and Cyrus. Squashed between them. Derek smelled like he always did. Pine and salt with the slightest hint of some nameless cologne. Cyrus's scent was new. Sandalwood, and roses and something like a fresh spring breeze. A weird yet somehow enticing combination.

About midway throughout the movie, I leaned closer. Wanting to inhale his tantalizing scent. I didn't realize how far I had leaned until my head was resting on his shoulder. I became to paralyzed with fear to move. I felt his heavy gaze focused on me. I flushed, still to scared to move.

"Hey Zoe...watcha doing?" I couldn't move, much less speak. Panic engulfed me. I felt Cyrus shrug and wrap his arm around my shoulders. My entire body flushed.

Sparks seemed to work their way from the tips of his fingers onto my skin and into my bloodstream. Warmth sped forth at light speed, spreading through and heating my body. An electrified feeling surrounded me, making its way from my shoulder to the tips of my toes and the roots of my hair.

I heard Derek give an amused snort from my right. I shifted uncomfortably. Yes. I was physically comfortable, but I felt the flush deepening and a gasp escape my lips. I quickly sat up straight as a pole and leaned away from Cyrus's warm, alluring body.

"Sorry about that, I just..." I tried to get out. Cyrus just glanced at me weirdly and retracted his arm from around me. I glanced at Derek and he gave an amused chuckle and shook his head, then he turned back to the screen.




"That movie is officially on my favorites list!" I shouted as we exited the theatre. "Can I have a Baymax? Please? Please, please, pleeeeease?" I grabbed onto Derek's arm, acting like a little kid. He chuckled and gently shoved me away.

"Ask Cyrus if you can have one. I'm sure he'll oblige." I beamed and repeated my actions on Cyrus.

"Please, please, please, Cyber-bear?" He rolled his eyes.

"Of course, Zo-berry." I beamed and started to dance and skip around them while they just snickered and shook their heads.

We then began to walk, with no destination in mind. Just enjoying each other’s company.

Picture of Zoe on the side

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