Chapter 2

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Shubh's POV
" Are you even listening to what I just said?? Calm down, nobody did anything wrong. I am not saying that the pics are fake, your assumptions are wrong. I want to show you something as well. Just look at it first and then listen to us. Sandhya, open messages in your phone and show him that message you got that day. " Doctor said and she nodded and opened it and gave it to me.
I glared at all of them and started reading.
I went red with rage again but on the man who sent that.
" What is this??? Who sent that to you?? When?? Why didn't you tell me?? What is happening here???" I was so confused and angry.
" Calm down and listen now. We were at camp...... " And he explained everything.
" Someone sent the message to her, but she got so scared that she came to me.  It was almost midnight... You expect her to call you? When you were miles away? She knocked at my door and as I was about to take a shower before sleeping. That is why I am not wearing a shirt in that picture. She was so scared she didn't even realise that I was not wearing a shirt. She was so petrified,  she just showed me the message and started crying. " Doctor said and I was listening carefully absorbing everything he said.
"  Do you know, she was
shivering and shaking so much.  I tried to calm her. I wore my shirt the moment I realised that I was not wearing one. Then there was a knock on the door she thought that it was him so she was trying to stop me from opening the door so she held me from the backside." He was explaining and I saw that tears were flowing from Sandy's eyes.
" Ajay and Chirag also came as she knocked at there door too but they had already slept. We told them everything and they hugged her to assure her that they were there to help her.
She was so tired and scared that she slept on the chair. But she had worked very hard for the whole day and she looked very uncomfortable on the chair, so I just picked her up and laid her on the bed. But she cuddled up as an insecure child so I let her.  He must have clicked all the pics at that time and used them like this." Doctor explained. I was still trying to evaluate if he was speaking the truth or not.
" Shubh l swear, It was exactly like this. We didn't inform you as it was midnight and the next day we thought that may be it was a prank. But it seems that was our mistake. We should have told you."
" Yes, you should have. But who the hell sent that message? "
" It must be Sumeet, your friend. He even threatened Sandhya and me that day. You can ask Sandhya if you want." I looked at her and she nodded.
I wanted to kill that Sumeet, Sandy was still crying. I was feeling bad now. How can I doubt my sister like that?
I went to her and caressed her cheeks to wipe the tears.
" I am sorry Sandy, I said all those things. You know how I am... Idiot, stupid, dimwit. I was really angry, I couldn't be reasonable. Please forgive me."  I took her in my arms but she was still sobbing.
" I will kill that bastard... How dare he threaten you?  How dare he send that message and frighten you? How dare he click your pics and send me?" I was extremely angry.
I realised my mistake, I should not have behaved so recklessly.
" I am sorry Dr Vikram, I misunderstood you. " Then I said sorry to the other two doctors and finally thanked all of them.
I was still holding her in my arms when my phone buzzed. It was from dad. I picked up the phone.
" Hello? Yes, dad..."
" Shubh, where are you?? Your mom seems to be having a heart attack. "  
" What??? How?? When??"
" Someone sent some pictures of Sandhya with... I will tell you when I meet you. Come fast. "
" Oh ok I know dad, please dad, bring her to the hospital where Sandhya works. Ok?
" Ok, but is it true?? "
" No, dad... "
" But those pictures? "
" I will explain... I came here to confirm. They are a FAKE dad. "
" Ok, your mom was tensed as hell. She fainted.  "
" Bring mom here, because if I come and get her it will take double time."
" Ok, I am bringing her there. " Dad said and disconnected the call.
" What happened?? " Sandhya asked alarmingly.
" He seems to have sent copies of these pictures at home. Mom and dad are shocked and mom had a heart attack and then she fainted. Dad is bringing her here. " I said and Sandy cried again.
" Oh !! We will make arrangements for her checkup. " One of the other two doctors said and left.
" Don't worry she will be fine. We are here... " Dr Vikram said to both of us.
Sandhya was crying her eyes out. Dad brought the mom to the hospital and the treatment started immediately.
Sandhya was too embarrassed to even look at dad. I explained everything to him. 
Sandhya was still crying.
I went to her and kissed her head and said, " Don't cry Sandy, it is not your fault. But I will definitely kill that man... We all went through so much because of him. "
My dad patted on her back and nodded.
The doctor had done the checkup and said, "  Well it was a panic attack only. But you really have to take care of her. We will put her under observation for two days and if everything seems to be fine, you can take her home. " We all nodded.
I  took dad home and asked Sandy if she wanted to come back home as she was feeling miserable.  But she wanted to stay with mom. I agreed and went out.
I had just reached our car which was in parking when sandy called me, I  picked up the call on the second ring.
" Shubh where are you? " She said in a panicked voice.
" I am in the parking, what happened? Do you need anything? "
" Please come back, Sumeet is here. " She said.
How dare he??  Now I am going to kill this man.
" Coming... " I asked dad to wait in the car.
I rushed back with full speed. I saw Doctor punching him.
" Oh hello, Sumeet... How are you? What are you doing here? " I asked as if I did not know anything.
" I came to see your mom. How is she? I heard about her. How did it happen all of a sudden? " Sumeet said.
" Don't know...  Oh, I had to call someone but I forgot my phone in the car.  Can I make a phone call from your phone Sumeet? " I asked.
" Of course Shubh, take it. " I took the phone from him and gave it to Dr Vikram and punched Sumeet directly in the jaw with such a force that he fell on the floor.
Sumeet was stunned by my behaviour. He got up looked at me with questions in his eyes.
" What's wrong with you, Shubh? You punched me? But why???"
" Oh !!  my dear friend, just thank your stars that you are in the hospital right now and I didn't kill you instead.  How dare you to behave like that with my sister?  How dare you to threaten her? How dare you to send such a message to her?  How dare you click her pictures and then send them to us? Because of you, my mom is in hospital. I shouted at my sister. Now, don't you think that I should kill you? " I threw more punches at him and caught his collar.
" What are you saying? I didn't do any such thing. "
" I recognised your new number when I saw the message on her phone. " I punched him again and he fell on Dr Vikram. He also punched him very hard and was about to do it again when the police officer came and caught Sumeet.
I thanked the officer and handed his phone to the officer after showing him the proof that Sumeet sent the messages and clicked the pics.
Police took him away and I also went with them as dad was still waiting in the car. I had asked him to call the police here in the cardiology department as his friend was commissioner of police.

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