Chapter Two

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The once clean porcelain tiles of the shower floor were now smeared with blood. Megatron's trench coat was drying on the curtain rod, while his shirt had been carelessly tossed in the trash due to the large tear in the side.

Optimus worked silently, never saying a word to Megatron. He had applied pressure to the wound and successfully stopped the bleeding, now he just had to clean it to ensure it wouldn't get infected. The feeling of blood on his hands hardly bothered him as he dabbed a wet cloth around the edges of the stab wound.

"Would you hurry up?" Megatron seethed through clenched teeth.

Optimus's gaze didn't leave the cloth. "I'm trying my best, Megatron. I don't want to harm you further." He said, though he wished he could've replied with some sort of witty remark instead. He was tired and his patience had grown paper thin, but he had to remember that Megatron most likely felt the same way.

A soft growl of pain escaped Megatron as Optimus rubbed over a sensitive area near the wound. "Just stitch it up already!" He snarled. "Why don't you call that medic of yours? He wouldn't take this long to dress a wound!"

Optimus bit his tongue to keep himself from saying something he would come to regret later on. Instead, he slowly exhaled through his nose and tried to focus.

"It's late. Bothering him at this hour would be rude." He mumbled, purposely ignoring the first thing Megatron had said to avoid further conflict. Megatron was already angry as it was and he didn't need to infuriate him even more. Dealing with that would be absolute hell.

Megatron went to retort, then decided it wasn't worth his time. He watched in silence as Optimus pressed a large gauze pad onto the wound. While he was satisfied that his former comrade had patched him up, he certainly wasn't going to show it.

"Took you long enough." He said with a sneer.

"When was the last time you ate?" Optimus asked blandly while he cleaned up. He knew Megatron was trying to bait him into an argument. Something he did not have the energy nor the patience for right now. "You should eat something."

"Since when did you suddenly start caring about my wellbeing again, Optimus?" Megatron scowled, his pointed canines gleaming as he flashed his teeth.

Optimus noticeably stiffened. His hand slowly curled around the box of gauze, his fingers just beginning to crease the cheap cardboard. Had he not restrained himself in that moment, he would've snapped and done something regrettable.

"Since you showed up on my doorstep with a stab wound between your ribs, now answer the damn question." He spoke coldly, his tone sharp and flat.

Megatron only stared, trying to rid himself of the shock from those words. He hadn't seen this side of Optimus in a long time. Ever since... "Fine." He replied in an equally flat tone. "This morning, if you must know."

"Careless as always.." Optimus muttered under his breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and sighed. "Okay. Go find a chair to rest in. I'm going to finish cleaning this up and then I'll get you something to eat." He held out his hand as an offer to help Megatron up from the floor.

Megatron only rolled his eyes and pushed himself up with a heavy grunt. Without even sparing Optimus a glance, he lumbered out of the bathroom.

Optimus shook his head. That kind of behavior was nothing new. Megatron had never been grateful towards him whenever he did something for him. He examined the bloody tiles with a weary gaze and huffed.

I knew I should've closed the door...

"Stop that. I can hear you messing with it."

Megatron immediately froze, having been fiddling with the patch while Optimus wasn't looking. His thick eyebrows furrowed into a frown and he pouted. "No you can't. You're all the way over there."

"You'd be surprised how far sound travels."

"You'd be surprised how far sound travels..." He grumbled mockingly. "Are you done yet?"

Optimus didn't answer on purpose, not caring if that annoyed Megatron. He hummed a soft tune to himself as he put everything away. Tonight, peanut butter sandwiches with strawberry jelly would have to do.

He walked into the living room and found Megatron half-slouched in an arm chair with his eyes glued to the television, which was now showing a documentary about lions. He set the plate down on the small side-table beside the chair.

"Here. Sit up and eat."

Megatron glanced at the sandwiches and resisted the urge to make a rude comment. While they weren't what he was expecting, at least they looked more appetizing than the food he was used to eating. As Optimus sat down on the couch, he reached over and took one of the sandwiches.

Things were silent for a good ten minutes. Optimus distracted himself with the television while Megatron was busy chowing down on the sandwiches. He hadn't realized how hungry he had been until after he took the first bite. The wound in his side still ached, the painkillers not being enough to completely numb him from the pain. Not that he cared. He'd been through worse.

When the thought crossed his mind, Optimus glanced up to check the clock.

1:30 a.m.

He looked over at Megatron. "It's late and we both need rest." He took the remote and turned off the television as he stood up from the couch. "There's a guest room down the hall, second door on the left. Call me if you need anything. Goodnight."

Megatron hardly had time to say anything before Optimus had already disappeared down the hall. With a soft huff, he pushed himself out of the chair. He returned the plate to the kitchen and drowsily made his way towards the guest room. His mind was too clouded to think about anything else except sleep.

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